iCatcher is a desktop Mac OS X application written in MacRuby which enables you to turn any content on the BBC iPlayer website into a podcast feed. It will periodically look for new content, and can expire previously fetched media. It works for both TV and Radio content.
iCatcher relies on a number of open source projects, and could not exist without the efforts of their respective authors.
- MacRuby - http://macruby.org/
- get_iplayer - https://github.com/dinkypumpkin/get_iplayer
- Atomic Parsley - http://atomicparsley.sourceforge.net/
- ffmpeg - http://ffmpeg.org/
- flvstreamer - http://www.nongnu.org/flvstreamer/
- TagLib - taglib.github.com
- Sparkle - http://sparkle.andymatuschak.org/
- Growl - http://growl.info/