Prettify the AWS Console's Navigation Bar.
pretty-aws-navbar changes the color of the AWS console's navigation bar based on the account name. It also updates the navbar to add the region code next to the region name.
The script is designed to be added as a userscript. Of course, this means you will need a userscript manager. I prefer greasemonkey, but cannot imagine the script not being compatible with any other manager.
To use, you will need to edit the code to work for your AWS accounts. I tried to make this as simple as possible. All you need to do is update the mapping of accounts to color names. The relevant snippet is below.
/* ------------------- */
/* ------------------- */
const accountColors = new Map([
['foo', 'CornflowerBlue'],
['bar', 'FireBrick'],
['baz', 'OliveDrab'],
Any html color name or color code is valid.
The GovCloud console has not received the same facelift as the general AWS console.
If you wish to style a GovCloud navbar, you can use v1.0.0 of pretty-aws-navbar
I am not a javascript developer. In fact, this is the most js I think I have ever written. I certainly did not do anything nefarious but, do not take my word for it. I encourage you to inspect the code yourself - it is less than 100 lines of code. With that said, use at your own risk.