This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook for classifying airline passenger satisfaction based on various features.
The goal of this project is to build a machine learning model that can predict whether a passenger is satisfied or not based on various features provided in the dataset.
The dataset includes features such as:
- Flight Distance
- Inflight wifi service
- Departure/Arrival time convenient
- Ease of Online booking
- Gate location
- Food and drink
- Online boarding
- Seat comfort
- Inflight entertainment
- On-board service
- Leg room service
- Baggage handling
- Checkin service
- Inflight service
- Cleanliness
- Departure Delay in Minutes
- Arrival Delay in Minutes
The notebook includes the following sections:
Data Loading and Exploration
- Importing necessary libraries
- Loading the dataset
- Initial data exploration and visualization
Data Preprocessing
- Handling missing values
- Feature encoding
- Data normalization/standardization
Model Building
- Splitting the data into training and testing sets
- Training various classification models (e.g., Logistic Regression, Random Forest, etc.)
- Model evaluation using appropriate metrics
Model Evaluation
- Evaluating model performance on the test set
- Visualizing results with confusion matrices and classification reports
- Summary of findings
- Potential improvements
The project requires the following Python packages:
- pandas
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- jupyter