Implement a Genetic Algorithm to study SNP haplotypes.
- Better population diversity metrics --> (RGB colors with softmax-ed values of first three PCA axis?)
- Implement (again) min_mut in evolve.R?
Status: Functional Script to launch numerous generations, acts as a wrapper for
To launch, write the following command: ./ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
Where: config_file=$1 # Path to config file, absolute or relative to launching dir. max_iter=$2 # Maximum number of generations per GA script launch. total_iter=$3 # Total number of generations to run. save=$4 # 0,1 or 2, determines what outputs are saved afterwards verbose=$5 # 0, 1 or 2, determines how much information is printed in console
Status: Functional (de facto main script)
Status: Missing weights
To Do:
- Implement weights
- Specify input files characteristics
Status: To be done
To Do:
- Implement covariates QC
Status: Functional
This function is used to generate a starting generation, and if n_nov > 0 to insert random genomes at each generation before crossing-overs.
Status: Functional with rpart tree
GLM mock function for testing purposes. Rpart tree accuracy score functional.
Status: Functional
To Do:
- Implement unique elites to ensure diversity of elites.
Indeed, mutations occurr symmetrically (similar counts of feature gain / loss) until a threshold is met. This unsures run time is constant and predictable between Gen 0 and Gen n_iter.
Also, results are ranked in order of minimal score first, features count second. This ensures that in the case where a plateau is reached by the optimal solution, unused features (i.e. not in the decision tree) are slowly purged from the elites by random loss mutations.
Indeed, a rare event where a genome is shuffled fully was implemented to lower the probability of the whole generation getting stuck in the neighbourhood of a local optimum.
Right now, this event happens with a probability of 0.01 times the crossing-over rate (cr).
Memory fills up with unattainable R objects:
- Implemented quickfix: Dump and source genomes, outputs & parameters (