👋 Hi, I’m @nfrankeln 👀 I’m interested learning all the diffrent aspects of computer programming. In my spare time I like listening to litrpg audiobooks and playing my favorite battle royale, Apex legends 🌱 I’m currently using FreeCodeCamp to learn html,css, and javascript and Harvard's CS 50 course to learn about a broad range of computer science topics I’m looking to collaborate on simple front end projects
Its been about 4 months since I started. Since then I have learned the basics of HTML,CSS and JS. I am also attending a programming boocamp called CODE PLATOON.
I have just graduated from CODE PLATOON. It was a valuable experiance. Some of the new skills I learned were Python,Django,React,Postgresql.
I deployed my first project Carjamz
To test it out
- sign into a demo account username: [email protected] password: demo
- search for another user i.e [email protected]
Until spotify gives me a quota extension this app is locked in development mode and I have to whitelist spotify users manually. So if you want to try it out with your own spotify account/a freinds account just shoot me a message
Started exploring more frontend tools and frameworks
completed a mini dog adoption website
The login component doesnt actually save your email or name
Spent 2 weeks getting familiar with figma and now Im starting to learn JAVA! My next project will be a web app for a local charity Im so excited!
Been about a year since I posted. Been working at my first job as a dev might do some more projects might not idk cio