nf-core/bacass v2.3.0
v2.3.0 nf-core/bacass: "Navy Iron Oyster" 2024/06/12
- #135 Replaced nf-core MultiQC module with a custom MultiQC module.
#135 Implementation of KmerFinder subworkflow Custom Quast, and Custom MultiQC Reports:
- Added KmerFinder subworkflow for read quality control, purity assessment, and sample grouping based on reference genome estimation.
- Enhanced Quast Assembly QC to run both general and reference genome-based analyses when KmerFinder is invoked.
- Implemented custom MultiQC module with multiqc_config.yml files for different assembly modes (short, long, hybrid).
- Generated custom MultiQC HTML report consolidating metrics from KmerFinder, Quast, and other relevant sources.
#133 Update nf-core/bacass to the new nf-core 2.14.1
#134 - Fixed samples reported of prokka/bakta in multiqc report.
#125 - Fixed conflicting settings in save_trimmed_fail parameter.