v1.1.1 nf-core/bacass: "Green Aluminium Shark" 2020/11/05
This is basically a maintenance update that includes template updates, fixed environments and some minor bugfixes.
Merged in nf-core/tools template v 1.11
Updated multiple dependencies:
- fastqc=0.11.8, 0.11.9
multiqc=1.8, 1.9
kraken2=2.0.8_beta, 2.0.9beta
prokka=1.14.5, 1.14.6
nanopolish=0.11.2, 0.13.2
parallel=20191122, 20200922
racon=1.4.10, 1.4.13
canu=1.9, 2.0
samtools=1.9, 1.11
nanoplot=1.28.1, 1.32.1
- fastqc=0.11.8, 0.11.9
Switched out containers for many tools to make DSLv2 transition easier (escape from dependency hell)