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Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
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Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <[email protected]>
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nextcloud-bot committed Jun 21, 2024
1 parent 825f20a commit bf7ed16
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Showing 2 changed files with 62 additions and 2 deletions.
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion l10n/gl.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your appointment \"%s\" with %s needs confirmation" : "A súa cita «%s» con %s necesita confirmación",
"Dear %s, please confirm your booking" : "Estimado %s, agradecémoslle que confirme a súa reserva",
"Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Appointment with:" : "Cita con:",
"Description:" : "Descrición:",
"This confirmation link expires in %s hours." : "Esta ligazón de confirmación caduca en %s horas.",
"If you wish to cancel the appointment after all, please contact your organizer by replying to this email or by visiting their profile page." : "Se, após todo, aínda quere cancelar a cita, póñase en contacto co seu organizador respondendo a este correo ou visitando a súa páxina de perfil.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New subscription from link (read-only)" : "Nova subscrición dende ligazón (só lectura)",
"Creating subscription …" : "Creando subscrición …",
"Add public holiday calendar" : "Engadir o calendario de días festivos",
"Add custom public calendar" : "Engadir un calendario público personalizado",
"An error occurred, unable to create the calendar." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel crear o calendario.",
"Please enter a valid link (starting with http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)" : "Introduza unha ligazón correcta (comezando con http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)",
"Copy subscription link" : "Copiar a ligazón de subscrición",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,6 +130,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unpublishing calendar failed" : "Produciuse un fallo ao deixar de publicar o calendario",
"can edit" : "pode editar",
"Unshare with {displayName}" : "Deixar de compartir con {displayName}",
"{teamDisplayName} (Team)" : "{teamDisplayName} (Equipo)",
"An error occurred while unsharing the calendar." : "Produciuse un erro ao deixar de compartir o calendario.",
"An error occurred, unable to change the permission of the share." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel cambiar o permiso da compartición.",
"Share with users or groups" : "Compartir con usuarios ou grupos",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,13 +184,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Show weekends" : "Amosar os fins de semana",
"Show week numbers" : "Amosar o número de semana",
"Time increments" : "Incrementos de tempo",
"Default calendar for incoming invitations" : "Calendario predeterminado para os convites entrantes",
"Default reminder" : "Lembrete predeterminado",
"Copy primary CalDAV address" : "Copiar o enderezo principal do CalDAV",
"Copy iOS/macOS CalDAV address" : "Copiar o enderezo CalDAV de iOS/macOS",
"Personal availability settings" : "Configuración persoal de dispoñibilidade",
"Show keyboard shortcuts" : "Amosar os atallos de teclado",
"Calendar settings" : "Axustes de Calendario",
"No reminder" : "Non hai lembretes",
"Failed to save default calendar" : "Produciuse un fallo ao gardar o calendario predeterminado",
"CalDAV link copied to clipboard." : "Copiada a ligazón CalDAV ao portapapeis.",
"CalDAV link could not be copied to clipboard." : "Non foi posíbel copiar a ligazón CalDAV ao portapapeis.",
"Appointment was created successfully" : "A cita foi creada correctamente",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,6 +236,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Minimum time before next available slot" : "Tempo mínimo antes da seguinte franxa horaria dispoñíbel",
"Max slots per day" : "Máximo de franxas horarias por día",
"Limit how far in the future appointments can be booked" : "Limita ata onde se poden reservar citas futuras",
"It seems a rate limit has been reached. Please try again later." : "Semella que se acadou o límite da taxa. Tenteo de novo máis tarde.",
"Create appointment" : "Crear cita",
"Edit appointment" : "Editar cita",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,6 +275,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Choose a file to add as attachment" : "Escoller un ficheiro para engadir como anexo",
"Choose a file to share as a link" : "Escoller un ficheiro para compartir como ligazón",
"Attachment {name} already exist!" : "O anexo {name} xa existe!",
"Could not upload attachment(s)" : "Non foi posíbel enviar os anexos",
"You are about to navigate to an untrusted external link. Are you sure to proceed? Link: {link}" : "Estás a piques de navegar a unha ligazón externa non fiábel. Confirma que quere continuar? Ligazón: {link}",
"Proceed" : "Continuar",
"_{count} attachment_::_{count} attachments_" : ["{count} anexo","{count} anexos"],
"Invitation accepted" : "Aceptouse o convite",
Expand All @@ -281,10 +289,21 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Declined {organizerName}'s invitation" : "Declinouse o convite de {organizerName}",
"Invitation is delegated" : "O convite está delegado",
"Checking availability" : "Comprobando a dispoñibilidade",
"Awaiting response" : "Agardando a resposta",
"Has not responded to {organizerName}'s invitation yet" : "Aínda non respondeu ao convite de {organizerName}",
"Availability of attendees, resources and rooms" : "Dispoñibilidade de asistentes, recursos e salas",
"Find a time" : "Atopar un momento",
"with" : "con",
"Available times:" : "Horarios dispoñíbeis",
"Suggestion accepted" : "Aceptouse a suxestión",
"Done" : "Feito",
"Select automatic slot" : "Seleccionar a franxa automática",
"chairperson" : "presidente",
"required participant" : "precísase do participante",
"non-participant" : "non participa",
"optional participant" : "participante opcional",
"{organizer} (organizer)" : "{organizer} (organizador)",
"{attendee} ({role})" : "{attendee} ({role})",
"Free" : "Libre",
"Busy (tentative)" : "Ocupado (provisional)",
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
Expand All @@ -303,13 +322,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear sala de conversas para este evento",
"No attendees yet" : "Aínda non hai participantes",
"You do not own this calendar, so you cannot add attendees to this event" : "Vde. non é o propietario deste calendario, polo que non pode engadir asistentes a este evento",
"{invitedCount} invited, {confirmedCount} confirmed" : "{invitedCount} convites, {confirmedCount} confirmados",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to location." : "Engadiuse satisfactoriamente a ligazón á localización da sala de conversas.",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Engadiuse satisfactoriamente unha ligazón á descrición da sala de conversas.",
"Error creating Talk room" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a sala de conversas",
"_%n more guest_::_%n more guests_" : ["%n convidado máis","%n convidados máis"],
"Request reply" : "Solicitar resposta",
"Chairperson" : "Presidente",
"Required participant" : "Precísase do participante",
"Optional participant" : "Participante opcional",
"Non-participant" : "Non participantes",
"Non-participant" : "Non participa",
"Remove group" : "Retirar o grupo",
"Remove attendee" : "Retirar o asistente",
"_%n member_::_%n members_" : ["%n membro","%n membros"],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,6 +384,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Room type" : "Tipo de sala",
"Any" : "Calquera",
"Minimum seating capacity" : "Capacidade mínima de asentos",
"More details" : "Máis detalles",
"Update this and all future" : "Actualizar esta e todas as futuras",
"Update this occurrence" : "Actualizar esta recorrencia",
"Public calendar does not exist" : "O calendario público non existe",
Expand All @@ -381,11 +404,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Type to search time zone" : "Escriba para buscar o fuso horario",
"Global" : "Global",
"Public holiday calendars" : "Calendarios de festivos",
"Public calendars" : "Calendarios públicos",
"No valid public calendars configured" : "Non se configurou ningún calendario público válido",
"Speak to the server administrator to resolve this issue." : "Fale coa administración do servidor para resolver este incidente.",
"Public holiday calendars are provided by Thunderbird. Calendar data will be downloaded from {website}" : "Os calendarios de festivos son fornecidos porThunderbird . Os datos do calendario descargaranse de {website}",
"These public calendars are suggested by the sever administrator. Calendar data will be downloaded from the respective website." : "Estes calendarios públicos son suxeridos pola administración do servidor. Os datos do calendario descargaranse da páxina web correspondente.",
"By {authors}" : "Por {authors}",
"Subscribed" : "Subscrito",
"Subscribe" : "Subscribirse",
"Holidays in {region}" : "Festivos en {region}",
"An error occurred, unable to read public calendars." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel ler os calendarios públicos.",
"An error occurred, unable to subscribe to calendar." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel subscribirse ao calendario.",
"Select date" : "Seleccionar a data",
"Select slot" : "Seleccionar franxa horaria",
"No slots available" : "Non hai franxas horarias dispoñíbeis",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,6 +503,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_+%n more_::_+%n more_" : ["+%n máis","+%n máis"],
"No events" : "Non hai eventos",
"Create a new event or change the visible time-range" : "Crear un novo evento ou cambiar o intervalo de tempo visíbel",
"Failed to save event" : "Produciuse un fallo ao gardar o evento",
"It might have been deleted, or there was a typo in a link" : "Pode que fose eliminado ou houbese un erro de dixitación nunha ligazón",
"It might have been deleted, or there was a typo in the link" : "Pode que fose eliminado ou houbese un erro de dixitación na ligazón",
"Meeting room" : "Sala de xuntanzas",
Expand Down
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion l10n/gl.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"Your appointment \"%s\" with %s needs confirmation" : "A súa cita «%s» con %s necesita confirmación",
"Dear %s, please confirm your booking" : "Estimado %s, agradecémoslle que confirme a súa reserva",
"Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Appointment with:" : "Cita con:",
"Description:" : "Descrición:",
"This confirmation link expires in %s hours." : "Esta ligazón de confirmación caduca en %s horas.",
"If you wish to cancel the appointment after all, please contact your organizer by replying to this email or by visiting their profile page." : "Se, após todo, aínda quere cancelar a cita, póñase en contacto co seu organizador respondendo a este correo ou visitando a súa páxina de perfil.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
"New subscription from link (read-only)" : "Nova subscrición dende ligazón (só lectura)",
"Creating subscription …" : "Creando subscrición …",
"Add public holiday calendar" : "Engadir o calendario de días festivos",
"Add custom public calendar" : "Engadir un calendario público personalizado",
"An error occurred, unable to create the calendar." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel crear o calendario.",
"Please enter a valid link (starting with http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)" : "Introduza unha ligazón correcta (comezando con http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)",
"Copy subscription link" : "Copiar a ligazón de subscrición",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +128,7 @@
"Unpublishing calendar failed" : "Produciuse un fallo ao deixar de publicar o calendario",
"can edit" : "pode editar",
"Unshare with {displayName}" : "Deixar de compartir con {displayName}",
"{teamDisplayName} (Team)" : "{teamDisplayName} (Equipo)",
"An error occurred while unsharing the calendar." : "Produciuse un erro ao deixar de compartir o calendario.",
"An error occurred, unable to change the permission of the share." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel cambiar o permiso da compartición.",
"Share with users or groups" : "Compartir con usuarios ou grupos",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,13 +182,15 @@
"Show weekends" : "Amosar os fins de semana",
"Show week numbers" : "Amosar o número de semana",
"Time increments" : "Incrementos de tempo",
"Default calendar for incoming invitations" : "Calendario predeterminado para os convites entrantes",
"Default reminder" : "Lembrete predeterminado",
"Copy primary CalDAV address" : "Copiar o enderezo principal do CalDAV",
"Copy iOS/macOS CalDAV address" : "Copiar o enderezo CalDAV de iOS/macOS",
"Personal availability settings" : "Configuración persoal de dispoñibilidade",
"Show keyboard shortcuts" : "Amosar os atallos de teclado",
"Calendar settings" : "Axustes de Calendario",
"No reminder" : "Non hai lembretes",
"Failed to save default calendar" : "Produciuse un fallo ao gardar o calendario predeterminado",
"CalDAV link copied to clipboard." : "Copiada a ligazón CalDAV ao portapapeis.",
"CalDAV link could not be copied to clipboard." : "Non foi posíbel copiar a ligazón CalDAV ao portapapeis.",
"Appointment was created successfully" : "A cita foi creada correctamente",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,6 +234,7 @@
"Minimum time before next available slot" : "Tempo mínimo antes da seguinte franxa horaria dispoñíbel",
"Max slots per day" : "Máximo de franxas horarias por día",
"Limit how far in the future appointments can be booked" : "Limita ata onde se poden reservar citas futuras",
"It seems a rate limit has been reached. Please try again later." : "Semella que se acadou o límite da taxa. Tenteo de novo máis tarde.",
"Create appointment" : "Crear cita",
"Edit appointment" : "Editar cita",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,6 +273,8 @@
"Choose a file to add as attachment" : "Escoller un ficheiro para engadir como anexo",
"Choose a file to share as a link" : "Escoller un ficheiro para compartir como ligazón",
"Attachment {name} already exist!" : "O anexo {name} xa existe!",
"Could not upload attachment(s)" : "Non foi posíbel enviar os anexos",
"You are about to navigate to an untrusted external link. Are you sure to proceed? Link: {link}" : "Estás a piques de navegar a unha ligazón externa non fiábel. Confirma que quere continuar? Ligazón: {link}",
"Proceed" : "Continuar",
"_{count} attachment_::_{count} attachments_" : ["{count} anexo","{count} anexos"],
"Invitation accepted" : "Aceptouse o convite",
Expand All @@ -279,10 +287,21 @@
"Declined {organizerName}'s invitation" : "Declinouse o convite de {organizerName}",
"Invitation is delegated" : "O convite está delegado",
"Checking availability" : "Comprobando a dispoñibilidade",
"Awaiting response" : "Agardando a resposta",
"Has not responded to {organizerName}'s invitation yet" : "Aínda non respondeu ao convite de {organizerName}",
"Availability of attendees, resources and rooms" : "Dispoñibilidade de asistentes, recursos e salas",
"Find a time" : "Atopar un momento",
"with" : "con",
"Available times:" : "Horarios dispoñíbeis",
"Suggestion accepted" : "Aceptouse a suxestión",
"Done" : "Feito",
"Select automatic slot" : "Seleccionar a franxa automática",
"chairperson" : "presidente",
"required participant" : "precísase do participante",
"non-participant" : "non participa",
"optional participant" : "participante opcional",
"{organizer} (organizer)" : "{organizer} (organizador)",
"{attendee} ({role})" : "{attendee} ({role})",
"Free" : "Libre",
"Busy (tentative)" : "Ocupado (provisional)",
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
Expand All @@ -301,13 +320,16 @@
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear sala de conversas para este evento",
"No attendees yet" : "Aínda non hai participantes",
"You do not own this calendar, so you cannot add attendees to this event" : "Vde. non é o propietario deste calendario, polo que non pode engadir asistentes a este evento",
"{invitedCount} invited, {confirmedCount} confirmed" : "{invitedCount} convites, {confirmedCount} confirmados",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to location." : "Engadiuse satisfactoriamente a ligazón á localización da sala de conversas.",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Engadiuse satisfactoriamente unha ligazón á descrición da sala de conversas.",
"Error creating Talk room" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a sala de conversas",
"_%n more guest_::_%n more guests_" : ["%n convidado máis","%n convidados máis"],
"Request reply" : "Solicitar resposta",
"Chairperson" : "Presidente",
"Required participant" : "Precísase do participante",
"Optional participant" : "Participante opcional",
"Non-participant" : "Non participantes",
"Non-participant" : "Non participa",
"Remove group" : "Retirar o grupo",
"Remove attendee" : "Retirar o asistente",
"_%n member_::_%n members_" : ["%n membro","%n membros"],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,6 +382,7 @@
"Room type" : "Tipo de sala",
"Any" : "Calquera",
"Minimum seating capacity" : "Capacidade mínima de asentos",
"More details" : "Máis detalles",
"Update this and all future" : "Actualizar esta e todas as futuras",
"Update this occurrence" : "Actualizar esta recorrencia",
"Public calendar does not exist" : "O calendario público non existe",
Expand All @@ -379,11 +402,17 @@
"Type to search time zone" : "Escriba para buscar o fuso horario",
"Global" : "Global",
"Public holiday calendars" : "Calendarios de festivos",
"Public calendars" : "Calendarios públicos",
"No valid public calendars configured" : "Non se configurou ningún calendario público válido",
"Speak to the server administrator to resolve this issue." : "Fale coa administración do servidor para resolver este incidente.",
"Public holiday calendars are provided by Thunderbird. Calendar data will be downloaded from {website}" : "Os calendarios de festivos son fornecidos porThunderbird . Os datos do calendario descargaranse de {website}",
"These public calendars are suggested by the sever administrator. Calendar data will be downloaded from the respective website." : "Estes calendarios públicos son suxeridos pola administración do servidor. Os datos do calendario descargaranse da páxina web correspondente.",
"By {authors}" : "Por {authors}",
"Subscribed" : "Subscrito",
"Subscribe" : "Subscribirse",
"Holidays in {region}" : "Festivos en {region}",
"An error occurred, unable to read public calendars." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel ler os calendarios públicos.",
"An error occurred, unable to subscribe to calendar." : "Produciuse un erro, non é posíbel subscribirse ao calendario.",
"Select date" : "Seleccionar a data",
"Select slot" : "Seleccionar franxa horaria",
"No slots available" : "Non hai franxas horarias dispoñíbeis",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,6 +501,7 @@
"_+%n more_::_+%n more_" : ["+%n máis","+%n máis"],
"No events" : "Non hai eventos",
"Create a new event or change the visible time-range" : "Crear un novo evento ou cambiar o intervalo de tempo visíbel",
"Failed to save event" : "Produciuse un fallo ao gardar o evento",
"It might have been deleted, or there was a typo in a link" : "Pode que fose eliminado ou houbese un erro de dixitación nunha ligazón",
"It might have been deleted, or there was a typo in the link" : "Pode que fose eliminado ou houbese un erro de dixitación na ligazón",
"Meeting room" : "Sala de xuntanzas",
Expand Down

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