- Update translations
- Update several dependencies
- fix(chat): restrict checkbox editing in one-to-one conversations #12160 #12176
- fix(chat): Fix clearing the input field after file upload #12061
- fix(chat): Fix setting known chat messages borders after leaving the conversation #12183
- fix(dashboard): Dashboard does not show mentions from federated conversations #12163
What's Changed
- [stable29] fix(MessageBody): restrict checkbox editing in one-to-one conversation by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#12160
- chore(deps): Bump emoji-mart-vue-fast from 15.0.1 to 15.0.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#12172
- [stable29] fix(dashboard): Dashboard does not show mentions from federated conversations by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#12163
- [stable29] fix(MessageBody): pass actorId and actorType as props to the component by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#12176
- [stable29] fix(NewMessage): clear debounce queue when posting a message by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#12181
- [stable29] fix(messagesStore): compare message ids as values of the same type by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#12183
- [stable29] chore(release): Add changelog for 19.0.0-rc.6 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#12184
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v19.0.0-rc.5...v19.0.0-rc.6