A really, really simple Django-based admin interface for our elections loader.
NOTE: This is substantially broken and will be in active development leading up to the November 3rd, 2015, general election. Use at your own risk.
createdb elex
createuser elex
psql elex
alter user elex with superuser;
mkvirtualenv nyt-elections-admin
git clone [email protected]:newsdev/nyt-elections-admin.git && cd nyt-elections-admin
pip install -r requirements.txt
add2virtualenv .
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.dev.settings
export AP_API_KEY # Your AP API key
export ELEX_RECORDING= # mongodb or flat. There are other options as well, but defaults to /tmp or local mongo.
export ELEX_LOGGING_URL= # Your syslog URL, e.g., or logs.papertrail.com
export ELEX_LOGGING_PORT= # Your syslog port, e.g., 514 or 1111
Initial data is only candidates, ballot positions and races. Does not run aggregates.
django-admin load_initial --date=2015-11-03
Global data loads the entire state of all races for this election. Does run aggregates. Will blow away edits to candidates and ballot positions.
django-admin load_initial --date=2015-11-03
Updates refreshes races, candidate results and reporting units. Does run aggregates. Will not blow away edits to candidates or ballot positions.
django-admin load_updates --date=2015-11-03