🚀 What's new?
@nbaenam - feat(Migration developer): Starting the migration of the developer site ->
@nbaenam - feat(Migration developer): Added nr1-config and nr1-nerdpack ->
@nbaenam - fix(Migration developer): Moved the content in the nav tree ->
@nbaenam - fix(Migration developer): Modified the content in the nav tree ->
@nbaenam - feat(Migration developer): Added catalog, plugins and subscription files ->
@danclair - Update Browser limitations section noticeerror.mdx ->
@clarkmcadoo - fix: slugify nav items so they can contain quotes ->
@nbaenam - feat(Migration developer): Finished nr1 commands and added nr cli ->
@nbaenam - feat(Migration developer): Added the nerdpack file structure file and some modifications ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(browser): Clarify catch routine ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(browser): Make catch even clearer. ->
@nbaenam - fix(Azure infra): Fixed a broken link ->
@nbaenam - feat(Migration developer): Added more files to the build-nr-ui folder ->
@jcovington8 - Create ->
@jcovington8 - Update ->
@jcovington8 - fix: corrected error within title ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Initial edits to VM announcement ->
@aalfano7 - Update ->
@brnhensley - chore: add lang identifiers ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore add syntax highlighting ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #17100 from newrelic/nb-feedback-fixing-broken-link ->
@nbaenam - feat(Migration developer): Added more files and Shawn's comments ->
@paperclypse - feat(Docs): Docs release notes 4-26-2024 (#17110) ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #16950 from newrelic/nb-migration-dev-NR-258525 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17106 from jcovington8/jcovington8-whats-new ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17005 from danclair/patch-2 ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #17114 from brnhensley/patch-10 ->