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chef-nginx Build Status


Installs the Nginx web server.


Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported by this cookbook, meaning that the recipes should run on these platforms without error:

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian


  • apt Opscode LWRP Cookbook


It is recommended to use a version of Chef >= 10.16.4 as that is the target of my usage and testing, though this should work with most recent versions.


This cookbook requires Ruby 1.9+ and is tested against:

  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.3


  • nginx - The default recipe which sets up the repository.
  • nginx::configuration - Internal recipe to setup the configuration files.
  • nginx::service - Internal recipe to setup the service definition.
  • nginx::server - Install and configure the nginx package.
  • nginx::debug - Install and configure the nginx-debug package.


This cookbook installs the Nginx components if not present, and pulls updates if they are installed on the system.


default["nginx"]["dir"]        = "/etc/nginx"
default["nginx"]["log_dir"]    = "/var/log/nginx"
default["nginx"]["user"]       = "www-data"
default["nginx"]["binary"]     = "/usr/sbin/nginx"
default["nginx"]["pid_file"]   = "/var/run/"
default["nginx"]["version"]    = nil
default["nginx"]["repository"] = "official" # or, "ppa", or "phusion"
default["nginx"]["package_name"] = "nginx"  # nginx[-light|full|extras]

default["nginx"]["log_format"] = <<-FORMAT
  '$remote_addr $host $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
  '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio"'

default["nginx"]["daemon_disable"] = false

default["nginx"]["use_poll"] = true

default["nginx"]["gzip"]              = "on"
default["nginx"]["gzip_http_version"] = "1.0"
default["nginx"]["gzip_buffers"]      = "16 8k"
default["nginx"]["gzip_comp_level"]   = "2"
default["nginx"]["gzip_proxied"]      = "any"
default["nginx"]["gzip_vary"]         = "on"
default["nginx"]["gzip_min_length"]   = "0"
default["nginx"]["gzip_disable"]      = %q|"MSIE [1-6].(?!.*SV1)"|
default["nginx"]["gzip_types"]        = %w[
  text/css text/javascript text/xml text/plain text/x-component
  application/x-javascript application/javascript application/json
  application/xml application/rss+xml image/svg+xml
  font/truetype font/opentype application/

default["nginx"]["ignore_invalid_headers"]      = "on"
default["nginx"]["recursive_error_pages"]       = "on"
default["nginx"]["sendfile"]                    = "on"
default["nginx"]["server_name_in_redirect"]     = "off"
default["nginx"]["server_tokens"]               = "off"

default["nginx"]["buffers_enable"]              = false
default["nginx"]["client_body_temp_path"]       = "/var/spool/nginx-client-body 1 2"
default["nginx"]["client_body_buffer_size"]     = "8k"
default["nginx"]["client_header_buffer_size"]   = "1k"
default["nginx"]["client_max_body_size"]        = "1m"
default["nginx"]["large_client_header_buffers"] = "4 8k"

default["nginx"]["tcp_nopush"]  = "on"
default["nginx"]["tcp_nodelay"] = "off"

default["nginx"]["proxy_set_headers"] = [
  "X-Real-IP $remote_addr",
  "X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for",
  "Host $http_host"
default["nginx"]["proxy_redirect"] = "off"
default["nginx"]["proxy_max_temp_file_size"] = nil
default["nginx"]["proxy_read_timeout"] = nil

default["nginx"]["keepalive"]             = "on"
default["nginx"]["keepalive_timeout"]     = 65
default["nginx"]["send_timeout"]          = 5
default["nginx"]["client_header_timeout"] = 5
default["nginx"]["client_body_timeout"]   = 5

default["nginx"]["worker_processes"]   = node["cpu"]["total"]
default["nginx"]["worker_connections"] = node["cpu"]["total"].to_i * 1024
default["nginx"]["server_names_hash_bucket_size"] = 64

default["nginx"]["conf_files"] = %w[
  general buffers gzip logs performance proxy timeouts ssl_session

default["nginx"]["ssl_session_cache_enable"] = true
default["nginx"]["ssl_session_cache"]        = "shared:SSL:10m"
default["nginx"]["ssl_session_timeout"]      = "10m"

default["nginx"]["passenger_enable"]         = false
default["nginx"]["passenger_max_pool_size"]  = 6
default["nginx"]["passenger_pool_idle_time"] = 300

default["nginx"]["enable_stub_status"] = true
default["nginx"]["status_port"]        = 80

default["nginx"]["skip_default_site"]  = false


Including, but not limited to ...

  • Fully support all of the standard Chef-supported distributions
  • Support additonal build configurations
  • Support additonal configuration file attributes
  • Provider for creating virtual hosts


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Many thanks go to the following contributors who have helped to make this cookbook even better:

  • @spovich
    • add option to use Phusion-Passenger repository instead of official or PPA repo.
  • @jtimberman
    • add license file
    • set executable bit for directories
  • @dwradcliffe
    • add attribute for nginx status port
    • add attribute for nginx version
    • add option to use PPA repository instead of official nginx repository
  • @0rca
    • add skip_default_site attribute




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