released this
18 May 09:30
1254 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
🚀 What’s New
- A BRAND NEW WEBSITE with a revamped documentation, now hopefully much more useful to navigate. Check-it out: https://neuropsychology.github.io/NeuroKit/ and let us know what you think!!
- An overhaul of the Complexity Indices: With more than a 100 indices, NeuroKit is now the most comprehensive package to quantify chaos, entropy and fractal dimension of signals.
- Tons of other improvements and fixes
See the NEWS file for the changelog.
- 0.2.0 (#619) @DominiqueMakowski
- [Docs] Docstrings improvements (#643) @Max-ZiLiang
- [Website] Docstrings improvements (#641) @Max-ZiLiang
- [New] Website overhaul (#634) @DominiqueMakowski
- [Fix] signal_fixpeaks() allow kwargs (#638) @DominiqueMakowski
- [Breaking] Linear and Quadratic Trends indices are now based on raw polynomials (and other fit_* changes) (#635) @DominiqueMakowski
- [Fix] hrv_frequency(): changes in frequency bands correctly propagate (#630) @RichardBJ
- [Fix] Avoid duplicated input sanitization in eda_process (#631) @Rvb0rob0t
- [Breaking] Remove subepoch_rate argument in bio_analyze (#633) @DominiqueMakowski
- [Feature] add min, max, 80th & 20th percentiles as HRV features (#627) @danibene
- [New Feature]: Multichannel ECG Simulation (#625) @PierreElias
- Fix complexity_tolerance using recurrence method (#624) @gutierrezps
- Pylint subtle formatting fixes (#617) @anshu-97
- dev (#616) @DominiqueMakowski
👏 Thanks to
@DominiqueMakowski, @Max-ZiLiang, @PierreElias, @RichardBJ, @Rvb0rob0t, @anshu-97, @danibene and @gutierrezps