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πŸ”„ synced file(s) with neurobagel/workflows #6

πŸ”„ synced file(s) with neurobagel/workflows

πŸ”„ synced file(s) with neurobagel/workflows #6

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow adds a PR in this repository to the main Neurobagel project (#1)
# when and if it is labeled with a label of interest.
# Currently our labels of interest are
# - _bot
# - _community
# Once added to the project, we also set the custom field "Status" to "Community"
# for the PR. This in effect adds the PR to our main board in the "Community" column.
name: PR automation
types: [ labeled ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check if label of interest is applied
id: preview_label_check
uses: docker://agilepathway/pull-request-label-checker:latest
any_of: _bot,_community
repo_token: ${{ secrets.NB_PROJECT_PAT }}
allow_failure: true
- name: Detect if PR is in project
if: steps.preview_label_check.outputs.label_check == 'success'
id: in_project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NB_PROJECT_PAT }}
run: |
gh pr view ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }} --json projectItems | jq -r '.projectItems[].title' | grep Neurobagel
continue-on-error: true
- name: Add PR to Project
if: steps.in_project.outcome == 'failure' && steps.preview_label_check.outputs.label_check == 'success'
uses: actions/add-to-project@main
github-token: ${{ secrets.NB_PROJECT_PAT }}
# Note that in contrast to the graphical github UI,
# once a PR (or other item) is added to a github project,
# project related changes are no longer applied directly to the PR
# but instead to the project card that contains the PR.
# Once the PR is added to the project (and thus has a project card)
# we therefore have to search for the node id of the containing project card
# and then set the Status and Community option on the project card.
# This step expects to find the id of the (parent) project card
# and will fail (crashing the entire workflow) otherwise
- name: Find project card container
if: steps.preview_label_check.outputs.label_check == 'success'
id: find_container
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NB_PROJECT_PAT }}
run: |
while true; do
response=$(gh api graphql -f query='{
organization(login: "neurobagel") {
projectV2(number: 1) {
items(first: 100, orderBy: {field: POSITION, direction: DESC}, after: "'"${newCursor}"'") {
edges {
node {
content {
... on PullRequest {
childID: id
parentID: id
# Because we may not be able to find the parent ID in the first 100 items
# we have to keep advancing the cursor to move through the list
# Note: we use 100 items to balance speed and API limits, might have to be changed
while read -r pID cID cursor; do
if [ "$cID" == "${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}" ];
echo $pID;
exit 0;
# Note: we need to use the here string
# to avoid running the while loop in a subshell that would not let us access newCursor
# after the while loop has finished
# see:
done <<< $(echo "$response" | jq -r '.data.organization.projectV2.items.edges[] | "\(.node.parentID) \(.node.content.childID) \(.cursor)"')
if [ ! -n "$newCursor" ]; then
# We have passed through the entire list of items
# and didn't find the project card for our PR.
# Something is wrong and we will now crash the workflow.
exit 1;
echo "parent_id=${out}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# This step expects a custom field called "Status"
# with an option called "Community" to exist in the project.
# We need their IDs as input for our later call to the API
# to move our PR project card to the "Community" column.
# We make them available to other steps in this job
# by writing them to the GITHUB_OUTPUT environment variable.
# see:
- name: Get IDs for Status field and Community option
if: steps.preview_label_check.outputs.label_check == 'success'
id: get_id
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NB_PROJECT_PAT }}
FIELD: "Status"
OPTION: "Community"
run: |
response=$(gh api graphql -f query='{
organization(login: "neurobagel") {
projectV2(number: 1) {
field(name: "'"${FIELD}"'") {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
fieldID: id
options(names: "'"${OPTION}"'") {
optionID: id
}' | jq '.data.organization.projectV2.field | "\(.fieldID) \(.options[0].optionID)"')
read fieldID optionID <<< "${response//\"}"
echo "fieldID=${fieldID}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "optionID=${optionID}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Set "Status" of PR to "Community"
if: steps.preview_label_check.outputs.label_check == 'success'
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NB_PROJECT_PAT }}
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='mutation {
input: {projectId: "PVT_kwDOBaeejM4AAQiP", itemId: "${{ steps.find_container.outputs.parent_id }}", fieldId: "${{ steps.get_id.outputs.fieldID }}", value: {singleSelectOptionId: "${{ steps.get_id.outputs.optionID }}"}}
) {