Vue Illustration Components from For any requests open an issue on
Main Features
- global default color setup
- component color prop for indivdual color on components instances
- general 'vue-undraw' class for global illustration styling
- indivual 'vue-undraw--{componentName}' class for indivual styling
npm install vue2-undraw
You can use the vue-undraw in multiple approaches. Keep in mind that the total size of all illustrations goes beyond 20mb. A global usage in vue projects is technical possible, but not generaly not recommended.
This is the most simplest approach to keep depended projects as small as possible, by importing only the illustrations which are needed.
import UndrawAddColor from 'vue2-undraw/src/components/UndrawAddColor'
export default {
components: {
Similar to first approach. Benefits compared to first:
- shorter and clearer imports
- consistent illustrationnames
Feel free to take this approach if treeshaking is no problem.
import { UndrawAbstract, UndrawAddColor } from 'vue2-undraw'
export default {
components: {
If project size does not need to be considered as much (e.g. in a design systems documentation env.) it is also possible to use the illustrations globally.
Just add this in your entrypoints js-file:
import * as VueUndraw from 'vue2-undraw'
By default the svgs colors are inherting the svgs/parents text-color. You can overwrite this colors by using the vue2-undraw
css-class or by setting it up in the installations options. (If you don't want to install the components globally you need to add the noGlobalInstall: true
key too)
import * as VueUndraw from 'vue2-undraw'
Vue.use(VueUndraw, {color: '#777777', noGlobalInstall: true})
npm install
Rename saved svgs from in the _illustrations dir. Some manual adjustments need to get done (e.g. removing a handfull of '-').
npm run rename
Create vue components from svgs. Some manual adjustments need to get done (e.g. syntax errors in components/index.js)
npm run components
npm run build