Our protocol starts by gathering as many TF ChIP-seq experiments, then each TFBS is assigned to the regulation of likely target genes based on proximity to the transcription start site of all genes. In the final step, we employ a random forest-based method and more than nine thousand RNA-seq experiments for Drosophila melanogaster to try to select the most likely regulatory TFs assigned with the distance threshold for each gene. We employed known TF protein protein interactions to estimate the feasibility of regulatory events in our filtered networks. Finally, we show how topological characteristics of the networks are improved based on the increase of known physical interactions between co-regulatory TFs of each gene. We then employed our GRNs to create a network centered on Hr96 to demonstrate how the noise reduction improves the recovery of known control mechanisms of gene transcription.
#AJMM #[email protected] #([email protected])
files intended for general file manipulation
- fbid2symbol.pl changes flybase ids for accepted gene symbols. Requires the file fbgn_annotation file in the same folder where it is run
APPROACH (GENIE3 can be found here https://github.com/aertslab/GENIE3):
filterGENIE3out.pl filters the output of Genie3 to keep only likely edges.
getonlyTFconnectance.pl get the connectance between TFs in filtered and in referenfe GRNs
doimputGENIE3.pl generates imput files for GENIE3 from asci file with gene counts and a Reference network
getsubnets_hr96.pl reads a tsv GRN and gets all hr96 neighbours and the regulations between them
domitonets.pl filter networks to keep only mitchondrial genes, requires TFs.list and mito_genes.tsv in the same folder
doCORtest.pl reads correlation matrix and compute mena correlation between genes sharing regulators
getonlyTFnets.pl get only TF nets from all genes net
docornets.pl filter correlation nets to keep only correlations above certain thresholds
getTFsubnets.pl generate nets made of only certain genes
ReferenceNetwork.py create reference gene regulatory networks for D. melanogaster combining TFBS information from the ChIP-Seq available at the ENCODE data repository and Flybase
bed2gffFlybase.py convert the bed files from ENCODE to gff format of FlyBase to be used as input in the generation of the reference networks
string_interactions.tsv STRING reported interactiosn between TFs
TFs.list List of all TFs employed in this work
mito_genes.tsv genes asocited to mitochondria
Protocol followed to generate Gene counts data file from ARCHS4Zoo:
h5dump -d/meta/genes -d /data/expression -o Drosophila_melanogaster_genecount_v1.asci -y -w 1000000000 Drosophila_melanogaster_genecount_v1.h5
sed -i "s/"//g" Drosophila_melanogaster_genecount_v1.asci
sed -i "s/ //g" Drosophila_melanogaster_genecount_v1.asci
first line (empty) deleted with vim