CDR-Stats is a CDR viewer for Asterisk/Freeswitch Call Data Records. It allows you to interrogate your CDR to provide reports and statistics via a simple to use, yet powerful, web interface.
It is based on the Django Python Framework which enables the building of clean, maintainable web applications, and encourages rapid development with clean and pragmatic design.
Star2Billing S.L. is the company behind the development of CDR-Stats, and was originally formed to provide a revenue stream to support the popular open source A2Billing Telecom Switch and Billing System by providing professional support, installation and consultancy services.
- User UI :
- http://localhost:8000/ This application provide Report, CDR View, several CDR reporting, Dashboard. User with accountcode can login and see their restrected data
- Admin UI :
- http://localhost:8000/admin/ This interface provides user (ACL) management, assignation of accountcode, also basic CRUD functions on the CDR
General documentation :
Models :
RestFul API :
Please refer to those sources for the Coding Conventions :
- We are using myGengo to ease the translation :
Star2Billing S.L. ( offers consultancy including installation, training and customisation
Please email us at [email protected] for more information