Deliver an event tracking web app that allows users to aggregate a collection of favorited events onto their own personal calendar and view detailed information for any chosen event.
Trouble keeping track of your calendar? Juggling a lot of events? Need a simple way of keeping track of your schedule?
- Events anywhere and everywhere
- Register with Event Calendar and save the ones that pique your interest
- Use Mapbox to find the address of your event
- Calendar page
- Each day populates with events (from an API)
- Clicking on a day will show all events for that day (which can be favorited)
- Profile page
- Name
- Favorited events / amount(counter)
- Profile pic
- Address
- Favorite page
- Search Bar functionality
- Location
- Dates
- types
- Mobile friendly
- favorite page be more vertical
- Tracks age and Date of Birth for alerts
- Click on a venue
- once clicked load venues calendar
- Map Box
- Venue Locations for events
- Check age for finding events
Thomas - Front-end css/etc
- [X] D1 CSS
- [X] D2 CSS
- [X] D3 React component review, boostrap exploration
- [X] D4 Check in deployment
- [ ] D5
- [ ] D6
Louis - Back-end setup dev
- [X] D1 DB start up
- [X] D2 DB set up
- [X] D3 DB routing
- [X] D4 Correcting Back end routes/ tested backend routes - added a anlysis /write up of project
- [ ] D5
- [ ] D6
Jimmy - Front-end design/routing
- [X] D1 Initial planning for front-end
- [X] D2 Touch base with team + decompress Friday
- [X] D3 Scaffolding and CSS foundation laid
- [X] D4 Profile edits
- [ ] D5
- [ ] D6
Nesso - Bouncer(help where needed)
- [X] D1 Help as avaliable
- [X] D2 Help as avaliable
- [X] D3 Help as avaliable
- [X] D4 Enabled auth
- [ ] D5 Debugged auth
- [ ] D6
- With auth being a broken item as of the weekend we were going to have to avoid it until monday and then throw it into the starter code
- Jimmy discovered early on that the calendar was going to be in its self a challenge
- We exchanged some messages toward that regard
Meeting 1 7/23
- Discussion of implementation of the application
- Basic field to populate the database
- General discussion
- Set the first 2 days of work to designate jobs as well as who may be helping
- Git master branch was updated from Jimmy and Nesso
- Set the first 2 days of work to designate jobs as well as who may be helping
Meeting 2 7/24
- After Auth Class
- Went over and discussed minute styling discussing dropdown menus etc
- Made a repo for the back end to allow Louis to have some starter to alter
- Adjusted index.js and app.js to better follow todays lesson
- hopefully will be adjusted based on group knowledge!
- After Auth Class
Meeting 3 7/25
Edited some css
Discussed some planning
delegated more tasks
lowered more expectations
Finally got solid footing to begin
did actual beginning
Meeting 4 7 / 29 Discussed implimentation with api to calendar
Meeting 5 7/30 Meeting Milcah and nick Refacroting - the ability to make things more efficient Need to store the id from eventful to the Favorites DB using that ID from the F DB we can amke an axios call to retunr the json obj that has the data Sum - we just need the eventful id stores
Nesso's meeting with Milcah -
Peer programming - one coder shows screen the other go along and give suggestions(Acts like a real life work enviroment)
- helps with balancing weaknesses
- helps pull strengths
Try to go through each line of code to reitterate everything
- attmempt to refactor after
Check documentation for best practices
Fav schema should reference events scheime event:[( type: schema.typess.objectid, ref: 'Event)]