V2.0.0 Blender 4.2 Extensions Version
Addon Download : add_airfoil_2_0_0.zip
Parametric 3D Printed Wing Design using Geometry Nodes (Blender 3.0 or higher, or Blender 4.2 via Extensions)
Intended for use with the 3dpPlaneDesign parametric tool set: https://github.com/nerk987/3dpPlaneDesign
This is a little addon to import an airfoil dat file into blender
Download the add_airfoil_1_0_0.zip filefrom the link above. (Don't unzip the file)
From the Blender edit menu, select preferences. Select the Add-ons tab.
Click the "Install" button and select the downloaded zip file.
Tick the box beside the item "Add Mesh: Add Airfoil"
Click 'Add Airfoil' in the File/Import menu
Alternatively, click Shift A in the 3D viewport, and choose Mesh>Add Airfoil and select the dat file.
##Where to find airfoil dat files
There are many resources. Try Airfoiltools.com