This repository contains supplementary materials (data and code) associated with the development of the Emotional Climate Change Stories (ECCS) dataset. The remaining supplementary materials can be found on the accompanying OSF website.
Please cite the corresponding publication when using these materials:
Zaremba, D., Michałowski, J.M., Klöckner, C.A., Marchewka A., & Wierzba, M. (2024) Development and validation of the Emotional Climate Change Stories (ECCS) stimuli set. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 3330–3345.
To download the ECCS dataset, use the following links:
To reproduce the results described in the article, run:
To perform the classification analysis, run:
rmarkdown::render("ECCS.Rmd", params = list(studies = "c(13,14,15)",
figures = FALSE,
classification = TRUE))
Alternatively, you can use pwalk
to iterate over different sets of parameters, for instance:
df = data.frame(k = c(9, 12, 15))
df %>% pwalk( ~ rmarkdown::render("ECCS.Rmd", params = list(studies = "c(13,14,15)",
figures = FALSE,
classification = TRUE,
l = "ANG,HOP,NEU",
k = ..1)))
Data can be obtained directly from the SQL database by running the following command:
psql -U grieg -d grieg --file rtask.sql
The following R packages are required: broom
, fields
, htmlwidgets
, plotly
, psych
, rmarkdown
, rstatix
, scales
, tidyverse
The research leading to these results has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, no. 2019/34/H/HS6/00677.