A Twitter clone created with Golang, PostgreSQL, Redis, VueJS and Vite with support for dark mode and light mode using TailwindCSS
Status: Some features are yet to be implemented
For more check out some screenshots here
NOTE: Not all features from twitter are implemented because of how big Twitter is, Only the main features are implemented atm
- Modular Architecture
- Database migration tool using migrate
- Golang Hot-reloading using air
- Supports dark-mode and light-mode with TailwindCSS
- Database seeding script using NodeJS
- Authentication using JWT Refresh token flow and Redis for token blacklisting
- Strongly typed Vuex store
- List Tweets feed
- Create Tweets with images
- Retweets
- Reply to Tweets or reply to another reply!
- Like Tweets
- Follow users
- Images & Media uploads stored in AWS S3 Buckets
- Up to 4 images in a single tweet with the same layout as Twitter
- Crop profile image
- Edit Profile Details
- Edit Profile Image
- See who a user is following and see their followers
- Golang
- Fiber HTTP framework
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- NodeJS
- TypeScript
- migrate
- air
- Amazon Web Service S3
- Vue 3
- Vite 2.0
- Vuex 4
- Vue Router 4
- TailwindCSS
Check here on how to run locally
- https://twitter.com
- https://about.twitter.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit
- https://github.com/shuber/postgres-twitter
- Build a twitter clone using vue.js and tailwind css! (by: this.stephie)
- Is SELECT * Expensive? (by: Hussein Nasser)
- SELECT COUNT (*) can impact your Backend Application Performance, here is why (by: Hussein Nasser)
- Full Text Search PostgreSQL (by: Ben Awad)
- https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/[email protected]
- https://dev.to/shubhadip/vue-3-vuex-4-modules-typescript-2i2o
- https://dev.to/3vilarthas/vuex-typescript-m4j
- Today i learned golang live reload for development using docker compose air (by: Iman Tumorang)
- Hashtags and mentions
- Notifications
- Bookmarks
- Lists
- Trending section
twitter-clone is created for educational purposes only.
I do not work for Twitter nor Twitter the company itself has any associations / involvements in this project.