A collection of useful front-end web development utility functions.
import { delay } from 'devils'
await delay(2)
- Storage Manager
- Theme Manager
- Query String Manager
- Scroll Back
- Delay
- Add Plural Suffix
- Get Ordinal Suffix
- Select Random in Array
- Copy to Clipboard
- Sort Array of Objects
- Arrange an Array
- Remove Duplicates
- Format Numbers with Commas
- Get Uploaded Image Details
- Audio Player
- Request Module
- Fuzzy Search in Array of Objects
Everything in less than <5KB.
The Storage Manager helpers streamline the process of reading and writing various data types to local storage, eliminating the need for manual stringification and parsing. Additionally, it handles any potential errors that may arise during these operations.
// Set data
storageManager.set('my-data', { name: 'neilveil' })
// Read data -> "neilveil"
// Return default value if not defined -> "User"
storageManager.get('my-data-2', 'User')
// Clear only 1 key
// Clear all data
The Theme Manager provides seamless control over both light and dark themes for your application.
// Set last used theme if exists or set user preferred theme based on OS
// Get current theme
themeManager.get() // Last used theme or user preferred theme
// Get user preferred theme
// Set light theme
// Set dark theme
// Toggle theme
HTML structure
<body data-theme="light">
Theme manager saves theme in local storage key 'APP_THEME'.
Enables the seamless passage of object data across pages via URL query strings.
// Generate query string to append in path
qsm.gen({ a: 1 }) // -> ?eyJhIjoxfQ==
Append it in path
<a href="/my-page?eyJhIjoxfQ==">New page</a>
Read data in /my-page
// Read data
console.log(qsm.read()) // -> { a: 1 }
// Read key "a"
console.log(qsm.read('a')) // -> 1
// Read key "b" & return default value 2 if not found
console.log(qsm.read('b', 2)) // -> 2
Append query string in url
qsm.gen({ a: 1 }, '/my-page') // -> /my-page?eyJhIjoxfQ== | { a: 1 }
Append query string & forward
qsm.fwd({ b: 2 }, '/my-page') // -> /my-page?eyJhIjoxLCJiIjoyfQ== | { a: 1, b: 2 }
React example
function MyPage() {
const [a, setA] = useState(qsm.read('a', 0))
return (
<Link to={qsm.gen({ a: 1 }, '/my-page')}>Profile</Link>
Allow your code to pause execution for a specified duration. This is valuable for displaying loaders, preventing action clicks, implementing custom animations, and more.
// Wait for 2 seconds
await delay(2)
await delay(2000, true)
Maintains code cleanliness by handling the addition of plural suffixes (s
& ies
) without the need for extra conditional operators.
<div>0 {addPluralSuffix('apple', 0)}</div> // 0 apples
<div>1 {addPluralSuffix('apple', 1)}</div> // 1 apple
<div>2 {addPluralSuffix('apple', 2)}</div> // 2 apples
<div>0 {addPluralSuffix('entry', 0)}</div> // 0 entries
<div>1 {addPluralSuffix('entry', 1)}</div> // 1 entry
<div>2 {addPluralSuffix('entry', 2)}</div> // 2 entries
Streamlines your code by handling the addition of ordinal suffixes (e.g., "st", "nd", "rd", "th") without the need for extra conditional operators.
<div>1{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 1st
<div>2{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 2nd
<div>3{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 3rd
<div>4{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 4th
<div>101{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 101st
<div>102{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 102nd
<div>103{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 103rd
<div>104{getOrdinalSuffix(1)}</div> // 104th
Allows you to pick a random value from an array. This is handy for displaying diverse texts, values, colors, etc., each time a user loads the application.
const lines = ['Awesome product', 'Try once', 'Wonderful!']
Copy any text value to clipboard.
copyText('This is some text!')
Create a new copy of Javascript Object.
const data = { a: 1 }
const data2 = cloneObject(data)
data2.a = 2
console.log(data.a, data2.a) // 1, 2
const data = [
{ id: 4, name: 'Neil Arya' },
{ id: 1, name: 'Jon Doe' }
sortObjects(data, 'id') // by "id"
sortObjects(data, 'name') // by "name"
const data = [
{ id: 4, name: 'Neil Arya' },
{ id: 1, name: 'Jon Doe' }
arrangeObjects([1, 4], data, 'id')
const data = [
{ id: 4, name: 'Neil Arya' },
{ id: 1, name: 'Jon Doe' },
{ id: 1, name: 'Jon Doe' }
removeDuplicates(data, 'id')
roundNumber(2.343) // 2.34
roundNumber(2.326) // 2.33
// 1 decimal digit
roundNumber(2.326, 1) // 2.3
Decimal numbers should always be passed through this utility function to resolve floating point issues like
.1 + .2 => 0.30000000000000004
formatNumber(1000000) // 1,000,000
// Indian style formatting
formatNumber(1000000, true) // 10,00,000
Set default value if undefined emptyCheck(value, defaultValue)
let a = 1
let b
emptyCheck(a, 2) // 1
emptyCheck(b, 0) // 0
Get uploaded image details to validate resolution & size.
getImgDetails(imageBlob) // { width: 1920, height: 1080, size: 1000000 }
Pre-load & play sound in different browsers.
// Pre-load
audioPlayer('https://www.example.com/sound.mp3', 'load')
// Play
// or
audioPlayer('https://www.example.com/sound.mp3', 'play')
// Pause
audioPlayer('https://www.example.com/sound.mp3', 'pause')
// Stop
audioPlayer('https://www.example.com/sound.mp3', 'stop')
await request({
host: 'https://www.example.com', // *required
path: '/api/profile', // *required
method: 'get', // get | post | put | patch | delete
args: { a: 1 }, // Used as "params" if get requests & "data" if post request
headers: { authorization: 'Basic jgjklewr423452vnjas==' },
params: { b: 2 }, // Get request parameters
data: { c: 3 }, // Post request data
clean: true // Default true, if true returns `response.data` & if false returns `response`
Dependency axios
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/axios.min.js"></script>
const data = [
{ id: 4, name: 'Neil Arya', keywords: ['developers', 'open-source'] },
{ id: 1, name: 'Jon Doe', keywords: ['dummy', 'user'] }
const searchKeys = ['name', 'keywords']
const searchString = 'neel ara'
console.log(fuse(data, searchKeys, searchString))
// Fuse options
const fuseOptions = {}
console.log(fuse(data, searchKeys, searchString, fuseOptions))
Dependency fuse.js
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/fuse.min.js"></script>
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Developed & maintained by neilveil.