the ixni dictionary, jsonified for your api pleasure
words are built like this:
"w": "ixni word",
"t": {
"en": [ "english translations of the word" ],
"ol": [
{ "language": [ "translations in a non-english language" ] }
"d": {
"en": "the explanation in english",
"ol": [
{ "language": "explanation in a non-english language" }
"e": [
{ "ixni": "example in ixni", "en": "english translation of the example" }
"o": {
"en": "the origin story of the word, in english",
"ol": [
{ "language": "the origin story of the word in a non-english language" }
"n": {
"en": [ "examples of a word being reversed with the use of the ne- prefix in english" ],
"ol": [
{ "language": [ "examples of a word being reversed with the use of the ne- prefix in a non-english language" ] }