MERN Stack
Users can sign up and get access to a map, that shows popular motorcycle routes.
- User registration implemented
- Login implemented
- JWT token implemented
- Map implemented with controls
- Display pre-defined routes mapped to buttons
- Get Route directions via external API call
- Backend with handlers implemented
- Running MongoDb using mongoose framework
- Persisting data to MongoDb
- Displaying route on map using the data from the external API call
- Final styling of the frontend
- Displaying route information under user profile
- Clone repo
- Make sure you are in the root folder of the project - Build image with docker build -t marc/backend (or whatever name you wanna use)
- cd ffhs-moto-app (that is where the frontend REACT application is)
- docker build -t marc/frontend (or whatever name you wanna use)
- Now that both images have been built, you can run them with docker-compose up
- Once everything is running, you can start the browser with http://localhost:2000/
- Make sure you are in the root folder of the project --> npm install
- cd ffhs-moto-app (that is where the frontend REACT application is) --> npm install
- Start the REACT application with npm start (Make sure you are in ffhs-moto-app folder of the project)
- Start the Backend with npm start
- Open browser with http://localhost:2000/