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needkg edited this page Sep 5, 2024 · 3 revisions

Day/Night Duration Settings

  • day-night-duration:
    • enabled: Enables custom day/night duration.
      • Type: Boolean (Default: false)
    • day-duration: Duration of the day in seconds.
      • Type: Integer (Range: 1 - 86400, Default: 600)
    • night-duration: Duration of the night in seconds.
      • Type: Integer (Range: 1 - 86400, Default: 600)

Automatic PvP Settings

  • automatic-pvp:
    • enabled: Enables automatic PvP.
      • Type: Boolean (Default: true)
    • day-end: Time in ticks when the day ends.
      • Type: Integer (Range: 1 - 24000, Default: 12000)

BossBar Settings

  • boss-bar:
    • time-remaining: Shows time remaining until day/night starts.
      • Type: Boolean (Default: true)

Automatic Difficulty Settings

  • automatic-difficulty:
    • enabled: Enables automatic difficulty change.
      • Type: Boolean (Default: false)
    • day: Difficulty level during the day.
    • night: Difficulty level during the night.
      • Type: String (Values: PEACEFUL, EASY, NORMAL, HARD)

PvP Settings

  • pvp-settings:
    • keep-inventory-when-killed-by-player: Keeps items on death by player.
      • Type: Boolean (Default: false)

Notification Settings

  • notify-players:
    • chat:
      • day-night-starts: Alerts when day or night starts.
      • hit-another-player-during-day: Alerts that combat is disabled during the day.
        • Type: Boolean (Default: true)
    • title:
      • enabled: Enables title notifications.
        • Type: Boolean (Default: true)
      • fade-in: Duration for the title fade-in effect.
      • stay: Duration the title remains on screen.
      • fade-out: Duration for the title fade-out effect.
        • Type: Integer (20 = 1 second)
    • sound:
      • enabled: Enables sound notifications.
        • Type: Boolean
      • day:
        • sound: Sound played during the day.
        • volume: Volume of the sound.
          • Type: Float (Range: 0.0 - 1.0, Default: 1.0)
      • night:
        • sound: Sound played during the night.
        • volume: Volume of the sound.
          • Type: Float (Range: 0.0 - 1.0, Default: 1.0)

Vault Settings

  • vault:
    • lose-money-on-death:
      • enabled: Players lose money upon death if they have 'dnp.losemoney.' permission.
      • only-at-night: Money is lost only at night.
      • killer-reward-money: The killer receives the money lost by the victim.
        • Type: Boolean (Default: true)

GriefPrevention Settings

  • grief-prevention:
    • pvp-in-land: Allows PvP to continue inside GriefPrevention land if combat started outside.
      • Type: Boolean (Default: false)