Ported to Arduino 33 BLESense board (https://store.arduino.cc/arduino-nano-33-ble-sense).
According to the schematics (https://content.arduino.cc/assets/NANO33BLE_V2.0_sch.pdf) the APDS9660 sensor is powered from the VDD line, but it won't start without turning on the pin P0.22 (VDD_ENV). \
Also pin P0.20 (APDS_PWR) has to be set HIGH.
Pin P1.00 also has to be set HIGH, as it is connected to R_PULLUP for the SDA1/SCL1 signals.
- refresh sensor readings with an interrupt or with RTIC, not in a busy loop
- test other sensor features, such as gestures recognition
- use built-in RGB LED as output for the color readings
- build the code:
cargo build --release
- convert to .hex file:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/blinky blinky.hex
- create a dfu package:
adafruit-nrfutil dfu genpkg --dev-type 0x0052 --application blinky.hex blinky.zip
- put the board into bootloader mode (double click on reset button, will show up as NANO33BOOT or similar)
- flash the firmware:
adafruit-nrfutil dfu serial --package blinky.zip -p /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200
In order to flash code with nrfutil, Adafruit bootloader has to be flashed onto the board. Two wires need to be attached to the pads on the bottom side of the board (SWDIO and SWCLK).
- step 1: clone the repo from https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_Bootloader
and build with
make BOARD=arduino_nano_33_ble all
- step 2: flash using Black Magic Probe and GDB:
target extended-remote /dev/ttyACM0
monitor swdp_scan
attach 1
(Nordic nRF52 M4)load arduino_nano_33_ble_bootloader-0.4.0-2-g4ba802d_s140_6.1.1.hex