My original MicroPython code ported to Rust on STM32F1 "blue pill", and then to other Cortex-M boards. It's visibly faster on 72MHz "blue pill" in Rust than on 240MHz ESP32 in MicroPython :)
It follows the rules of the game as described here:'s_Game_of_Life and here:'s_Game_of_Life
It starts with a randomly generated white noise pattern, which slowly dissolves. The initial seed for the RNG is taken from the internal temperature sensor, or from a True RNG where feasible.
Will restart after a 1000 generations.
Check branches for ports to other devboards:
- STM32F030
- STM32F051
- STM32F411
- STM32F407 (with hardware Random Number Generator)
- STM32F407 using a dual OLED setup
- STM32L0
- Microchip SAMD21 on Arduino Nano 33 IoT
- Microchip SAMD51 on Adafruit PyBadge
- Nordic nRF52840 on Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 Express
- STM32L4