ndsu3lib is a Fortran library for calculation of SU(3)-SU(2)xU(1) reduced coupling coefficients, SU(3)-SO(3) reduced coupling coefficients, and SU(3) recoupling coefficients, namely U, Z, and 9-(lambda,mu) coefficients.
A simple program ndsu3lib_example demonstrating usage of the library is provided.
C++ wrappers of Fortran subroutines are provided. The C++ functions are in the file ndsu3lib.h along with interface documentation.
A simple program ndsu3lib_example_cpp demonstrating usage of the C++wrappers is provided.
The following libraries are required:
- Lapack (unless recoupling coefficients are not going to be calculated)
- WIGXJPF or GNU Scientific Library (unless only SU(3)-SU(2)xU(1) reduced Wigner coefficients are going to be calculated)
- optionally MPFUN2020-Fort (recommended for SU(3)-SO(3) reduced coupling coefficients)
Download links and documentation for WIGXJPF and MPFUN2020-Fort can be found here:
For installation instructions see cmake_install_notes.txt.
Jakub Herko TRIUMF 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 2A3 Canada e-mail: [email protected]