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Attention! This plugin is under development. It means in some cases it may work incorrectly! Be careful of using it.

Official repo: uglifyjs-webpack-plugin

UglifyES Webpack Plugin

This plugin uses UglifyES3 (Harmony) for ES6 optimization.

TODO list:

  • Basic minification with UglifyES 3
  • Providing most of options
  • User-friendly warning and error output
  • Extract comments option
  • Port tests from official webpack repo (related issue)
  • Fix work with cheap sourcemaps (if possible)



With yarn: yarn add --dev

With npm: npm install --save-dev

Setup webpack.config.js

const UglifyESPlugin = require('uglify-es-webpack-plugin');

/* ... */

export default {
    /* ... */
    plugins: [
      /* ... */
      new UglifyEsPlugin({
        /* options */


This plugin supports UglifyES features as discussed below:

UglufyES options (for more information see UglifyES documentation):

Property Type Default Description
parse object Pass an object if you wish to specify some additional parse options. (more in UglifyES docs)
compress boolean, object pass false to skip compressing entirely. Pass an object to specify custom compress options. (more in UglifyES docs)
mangle boolean, object true pass false to skip mangling names, or pass an object to specify mangle options. (more in UglifyES docs)
output object null pass an object if you wish to specify additional output options. The defaults are optimized for best compression. (more in UglifyES docs)
warnings boolean false Pass true to return compressor warnings in result.warnings. Use the value "verbose" for more detailed warnings.
ie8 boolean false Set to true to support IE8.

Filter options:

Property Type Default Description
test RegExp, Array /.js($|?)/i Test to match files against.
include RegExp, Array Test only include files.
exclude RegExp, Array Files to exclude from testing.

Other options:

Property Type Default Description
warningsFilter function(source) -> boolean Allow to filter uglify warnings
extractComments boolean, RegExp, function (astNode, comment) -> boolean, object false Whether comments shall be extracted to a separate file.

Extracting Comments

The extractComments option can be:

  • true or 'all': All comments will be moved to a separate file. If the original file is named foo.js, then the comments will be stored to foo.js.LICENSE.
  • 'some': Comments started with @preserve, @license or @cc_on will be extracted to the separate file.
  • RegExp: All comments that match the given expression will be extracted to the separate file
  • function (astNode, comment) -> boolean: All comments that evaluated to true by the function will be extracted to the separate file.
  • an object consisting of the following keys, all optional:
    • condition: 'all', 'some', RegExp or function (astNode, comment) -> boolean (see above)
    • filename: The file where the extracted comments will be stored. Can be either a string or function (string) -> string which will be given the original filename. Default is to append the suffix .LICENSE to the original filename.
    • banner: The banner text that points to the extracted file and will be added on top of the original file. will be added to the original file. Can be false (no banner), a string, or a function (string) -> string that will be called with the filename where extracted comments have been stored. Will be wrapped into comment. Default: /*! For license information please see foo.js.LICENSE */