Document-level locking for MongoDB via Mongoid. The need arose at Jux from multiple processes on multiple servers trying to act upon the same document and stepping on each other's toes. Mongoid-Locker is an easy way to ensure only one process can perform a certain operation on a document at a time.
Tested against MRI 1.8.7, 1.9.2 and 1.9.3, Rubinius 1.8 and 1.9, and JRuby 1.8 and 1.9 with Mongoid 2 and 3 (where supported).
Add to your Gemfile
gem 'mongoid-locker', '~> 0.2'
and run bundle install
. In the model you wish to lock, include Mongoid::Locker
after Mongoid::Document
. For example:
class QueueItem
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Locker
field :completed_at, :type => Time
Then, execute any code you like in a block like so:
queue_item.with_lock do
# do stuff
queue_item.completed_at =!
takes a couple options as a hash:
: The amount of time until a lock expires, in seconds. Defaults to5
: If a lock exists on the document, wait until that lock expires and try again. Defaults tofalse
The default timeout can also be set on a per-class basis:
class QueueItem
# ...
timeout_lock_after 10
Note that these locks are only enforced when using #with_lock
, not at the database level. It is useful for transactional operations, where you can make atomic modification of the document with checks. For exmple, you could deduct a purchase from a user's balance... unless they are broke.
More in-depth method documentation can be found at Enjoy!
Pull requests are welcome. To run tests:
$ bundle install
$ rake
To auto-run tests as you code:
$ bundle install
$ guard