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Upcgen: a simplistic generator for dilepton pair production in UPC


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General information

This is a simple event generator dedicated to dilepton production process in ultra-peripheral collisions.


  • Pythia8 event generator (for decays). See Pythia website for installation instructions. It is also possible to use Pythia6. Note that in the latter case one needs to build ROOT with Pythia6 support. Note that Pythia is only used for tau decays and FSR simulations and is completely optional.
  • ROOT (for calculations and Lorentz vectors). See ROOT website.
  • CMAKE 2.8 (or newer) & compiler with support of C++11
  • HepMC3: It is possible to use HepMC output format. Source code and installation instructions can be obtained from the HepMC repository.
  • A compiler supporting OpenMP 4.5+ (some pragmas may be different for different versions).

Other 3rd party libraries

This generator utilizes simple plog library for logging.

Quick guide

  • Clone this repository
  • Install ROOT with Pythia8 support (recommended for decays) or Pythia6 support
  • Load ROOT environment
  • Setup Pythia8 environment by exporting PYTHIA8=/path/to/pythia/install/dir
  • Optionally: build the generator with Pythia6 using cmake flag BUILD_WITH_PYTHIA6=ON
  • Optionally: build the generator with Pythia8 using cmake flag BUILD_WITH_PYTHIA8=ON
  • Optionally: build the generator with OpenMP support for parallel computation of two-photon luminosity (the most CPU-consuming operation) using cmake flag BUILD_WITH_OPENMP=ON
  • For details, see CMakeLists.txt
  • Build the project:
cd path/to/cloned/repo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To run the generator use


Available options are:

  • -debug -- set debug level: 0=no debug messages (default), 1=save calculated cross sections into 'events.root' (for ROOT output only), 2=print out intermediate calculation results and events info (warning, lots of messages)
  • -nthreads -- set number of threads for cross section and luminosity calculation (default is 1)

For example: ./upcgen -debug 1 -nthreads 10

To see available options, use -h: ./upcgen -h

In debug mode, the generator will also print number of the event being processed and verbose information about produced particles. In the most verbose mode (2) the program will also print intermediate calculation results, so it is recommended to use it very carefully (and also to look in the code, if possible).

Generated events will be stored to events.root. If the generator is built with HepMC flag, events will be written to events.hepmc

Input parameters

Input parameters can be specified in the file. The example can be found in the top directory of this repository. Available parameters are the following:

NUCLEUS_Z 82       # atomic number of the incoming nuclei
NUCLEUS_A 208      # atomic mass of the incoming nuclei
WS_R 6.68          # Woods-Saxon parameters: R
WS_A 0.447         #                         a
SQRTS 5020         # sqrt(s) in the CM frame
PROC_ID 15         # process ID -- see list of available processes below
LEP_A 0            # lepton anomalous magnetic moment -- used in case if dilepton photoproduction is chosen
ALP_MASS 1.        # mass of axion-like particle
ALP_WIDTH 0.01     # (Gauss) width of axion-like particle peak
NEVENTS 1000       # number of events to be generated
DO_PT_CUT 0        # enable pt cut: 0 -- off, 1 -- on
PT_MIN 0           # pt cut
DO_ETA_CUT 0       # enable pseudorapidity cut: 0 -- off, 1 -- on
ETA_MIN -1         # pseudorapidity cut: min
ETA_MAX 1          # pseudorapidity cut: max
ZMIN -1            # min. z = cos(theta) for the elementary cross section
ZMAX 1             # max. z = cos(theta) for the elementary cross section
MMIN 3.56          # min. m for the elementary/nuclear cross section
MMAX 50            # max. m for the elementary/nuclear cross section
YMIN -6            # min. y for the nuclear cross section
YMAX 6             # max. y for the nuclear cross section
BINS_Z 100         # cross section binnings: bins for z
BINS_M 1001        #                         bins for m
BINS_Y 121         #                         bins for y
FLUX_POINT 1       # use point flux approximation or not
BREAKUP_MODE 1     # 1 -- nuclear breakup is not accounted for
                   # 2 -- XNXN
                   # 3 -- 0N0N
                   # 4 -- 0NXN (+ XN0N)
NON_ZERO_GAM_PT 0  # account for non-zero photon transverse momentum in photoproduction
USE_POLARIZED_CS 0 # account for scalar and pseudoscalar parts of the cross section
PYTHIA_VERSION 8   # Pythia version: 6, 8 or -1. -1 means that Pythia will not be used at all
PYTHIA8_FSR 0      # For Pythia8 only: simulate final state radiation (EM showers)
PYTHIA8_DECAYS 0   # For Pythia8 only: switch to turn on/off lepton decays
SEED 0             # Seed for random numbers generator. '0' -> random seed
USE_ROOT_OUTPUT 1  # Use ROOT trees as output format
USE_HEPMC_OUTPUT 0 # Use HepMC3 output format

List of available processes

ID Process
11 Dielectron production
13 Dimuon production
15 Ditau production
22 Light-by-light scattering (1-loop level)
51 Axion-like particle production
111 Dipion production

Tips and notes

  • The generator calculates two-photon luminosity and caches it into twoPhotonLumi.root (or twoPhotonLumiPol.root for the polarized cross section). This file will be picked automatically if found. The calculation process may take a lot of time, so you may want to keep pre-calculated grid for further usage. Note that you need to recalculate it in case if you have changed grid input parameters (e.g., binning and/or range in M/Y).
  • At the moment, polarized cross section is only supported for dileptons.
  • Note that the order, and the number of the parameters are not fixed.
  • If a parameter is not specified by user, the default value will be used.
  • IMPORTANT: make sure that you have built the generator with support of a desired Pythia version, that you are going to pass via PYTHIA_VERSION
  • Note that PYTHIA8_FSR and PYTHIA8_DECAYS only work for Pythia8. Decays are always enabled if the generator runs with Pythia6.