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@nbilyk/downlevel-dts is a fork of downlevel-dts, continuing on the great work of Nathan Shively-Sanders. It is restructured to support a larger range of down-levelling semantics.

downlevel-dts rewrites .d.ts files created by any version of TypeScript so that they work with TypeScript 3.4 or later. It does this by converting code with new features into code that uses equivalent old features. For example, it rewrites accessors to properties, because TypeScript didn't support accessors in .d.ts files until 3.6:

declare class C {
    get x(): number;


declare class C {
    readonly x: number;

Note that not all features can be down-levelled. For example, TypeScript 4.0 allows spreading multiple tuple type variables, at any position in a tuple. This is not allowed in previous versions, and is down-levelled to any[].


Here is the list of features that are down-levelled:

Omit (3.5)

type Less = Omit<T, K>;


type Less = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;

Omit has had non-builtin implementations since TypeScript 2.2, but became built-in in TypeScript 3.5.


Omit is a type alias, so the downlevel should behave exactly the same.

Accessors (3.6)

TypeScript prevented accessors from being in .d.ts files until TypeScript 3.6 because they behave very similarly to properties. However, they behave differently with inheritance, so the distinction can be useful.

declare class C {
    get x(): number;


declare class C {
    readonly x: number;


The properties emitted downlevel can be overridden in more cases than the original accessors, so the downlevel d.ts will be less strict. See the TypeScript 3.7 release notes for more detail.

asserts assertion guards (3.7)

TypeScript 3.7 introduced the asserts keyword, which provides a way to indicate that a function will throw if a parameter doesn't meet a condition. This allows TypeScript to understand that whatever condition such a function checks must be true for the remainder of the containing scope.

Since there is no way to model this before 3.7, such functions are down-levelled to return void:

declare function assertIsString(val: any, msg?: string): asserts val is string;
declare function assert(val: any, msg?: string): asserts val;


declare function assertIsString(val: any, msg?: string): void;
declare function assert(val: any, msg?: string): void;

Type-only import/export (3.8)

The downlevel emit is quite simple:

import type { T } from 'x';


import { T } from 'x';


The downlevel d.ts will be less strict because a class will be constructable:

declare class C {}
export type { C };


declare class C {}
export { C };

and the latter allows construction:

import { C } from 'x';
var c = new C();

type modifiers on import/export names (3.7, 4.5)

The downlevel emit depends on the TypeScript target version and whether type and value imports/exports are mixed.

An import/export declaration with only import/export names that have type modifiers

import { type A, type B } from 'x';
export { type A, type B };


// TS 3.8+
import type { A, B } from 'x';
export type { A, B };

// TS 3.7 or less
import { A, B } from 'x';
export { A, B };

A mixed import/export declaration

import { A, type B } from 'x';
export { A, type B };


// TS 3.8+
import type { B } from 'x';
import { A } from 'x';
export type { B };
export { A };

// TS 3.7 or less
import { A, B } from 'x';
export { A, B };


When an import/export declaration has only import/export names with type modifiers, it is emitted as a type-only import/export declaration for TS 3.8+ and as a value import/export declaration for TS 3.7 or less. The latter will be less strict (see type-only import/export).

When type and value imports/exports are mixed, two import/export declarations are emitted for TS 3.8+, one for type-only imports/exports and another one for value imports/exports. For TS 3.7 or less, one value import/export declaration is emitted which will be less strict (see type-only import/export).

ECMAScript #private members (3.8)

TypeScript 3.8 supports the new ECMAScript-standard #private properties in addition to its compile-time-only private properties. Since neither are accessible at compile-time, downlevel-dts converts #private properties to compile-time private properties:

declare class C {

It becomes:

declare class C {
    private '#private';


The standard emit for any class with a #private property just adds a single #private line. Similarly, a class with a private property adds only the name of the property, but not the type. The d.ts includes only enough information for consumers to avoid interfering with the private property:

class C {
    #x = 1;
    private y = 2;


declare class C {
    private y;

which then downlevels to

declare class C {
    private '#private';
    private y;

This is incorrect if your class already has a field named "#private". But you really shouldn't do this!

The downlevel d.ts incorrectly prevents consumers from creating a private property themselves named "#private". The consumers of the d.ts also shouldn't do this.

Star Exports (3.8)

TypeScript 3.8 supports the new ECMAScript-standard export * as namespace syntax, which is just syntactic sugar for two import/export statements:

export * as ns from 'x';


import * as ns_1 from 'x';
export { ns_1 as ns };


The downlevel semantics should be exactly the same as the original.

Named Tuples (4.0)

TypeScript 4.0 supports naming tuple members:

type T = [foo: number, bar: string];


type T = [/** foo */ number, /** bar */ string];

TypeScript 5.2 allows tuples where named members are mixed. Prior to 5.2 if some tuple members are named and others are not, they will all be replaced with unnamed members.


The downlevel semantics are exactly the same as the original, but the TypeScript language service won't be able to show the member names.

Recursive conditional types (4.1) Typescript 4.1 supports recursive conditional types.

type ElementType<T> = T extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? ElementType<U> : T;


type ElementType<T> = T extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? any : T;


There is not an equivalent in older typescript versions. any will be used in the recursive branches in order to allow compilation.

in out T (4.7)

Typescript 4.7 supports variance annotations on type parameter declarations:

interface State<in out T> {
    get: () => T;
    set: (value: T) => void;


interface State<T> {
    get: () => T;
    set: (value: T) => void;


The downlevel .d.ts omits the variance annotations, which will change the variance in the cases where they were added because the compiler gets it wrong.


Since the earliest downlevel feature is from TypeScript 3.5, downlevel-dts targets TypeScript 3.4 by default. The downlevel target is configurable with --to argument.

Currently, TypeScript 3.0 features like unknown are not down-levelled, nor are there any other plans to support TypeScript 2.x.

Downlevel semantics


Usage: npx @nbilyk/downlevel-dts src dest [--to=3.4]

Example: npx @nbilyk/downlevel-dts ts5.4 ts{VERSION} --to=3.4,4.1,4.8,4.9

  • src - The directory containing the source d.ts files.
  • dest - The destination directory. If multiple versions are provided, this must contain a {VERSION} substitution token. E.g. dist/ts{VERSION}
  • --to - The version(s) to downlevel to. May be comma-delimited.

To your package.json, add:

Important Note: TypeScript 4.9 now correctly prioritizes exports over typesVersions. If packaging for <4.9 use typesVersions for backwards compatibility.

    "exports": {
        ".": {
            ">=5.4": { ".": ["ts5.4/*"] },
            ">=4.9": { ".": ["ts4.9/*"] }
    "typesVersions": {
        ">=4.8": { ".": ["ts4.8/*"] },
        ">=4.1": { ".": ["ts4.1/*"] },
        ">=3.4": { ".": ["ts3.4/*"] }


Convert a new d.ts to one that works with older versions of Typescript







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  • JavaScript 1.9%
  • Shell 0.9%