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Bump the npm group across 1 directory with 24 updates #323

wants to merge 1 commit into from


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@dependabot dependabot bot commented on behalf of github May 27, 2024

Bumps the npm group with 23 updates in the / directory:

Package From To
@apollo/client 3.9.9 3.10.4
@hookform/resolvers 3.3.4 3.4.2
@mui/lab 5.0.0-alpha.169 5.0.0-alpha.170
@mui/material 5.15.14 5.15.18
@mui/x-tree-view 7.1.0 7.5.1
@navikt/aksel 6.3.3 6.8.0
@navikt/ds-react 6.3.3 6.8.0
@navikt/ds-tailwind 6.3.3 6.8.0
@next/bundle-analyzer 14.1.4 14.2.3
next 14.1.4 14.2.3
react 18.2.0 18.3.1
@types/react 18.2.73 18.3.3
react-dom 18.2.0 18.3.1
react-hook-form 7.51.2 7.51.5
react-intersection-observer 9.8.1 9.10.2
@graphql-codegen/typescript 4.0.6 4.0.7
@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations 4.2.0 4.2.1
@types/lodash 4.17.0 4.17.4
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 7.4.0 7.10.0
@typescript-eslint/parser 7.4.0 7.10.0
eslint 8.57.0 9.3.0
eslint-config-next 14.1.4 14.2.3
typescript 5.4.3 5.4.5

Updates @apollo/client from 3.9.9 to 3.10.4

Release notes

Sourced from @​apollo/client's releases.


Patch Changes

  • #11838 8475346 Thanks @​alex-kinokon! - Don’t prompt for DevTools installation for browser extension page

  • #11839 6481fe1 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Fix a regression in 3.9.5 where a merge function that returned an incomplete result would not allow the client to refetch in order to fulfill the query.

  • #11844 86984f2 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Honor the @nonreactive directive when using cache.watchFragment or the useFragment hook to avoid rerendering when using these directives.

  • #11824 47ad806 Thanks @​phryneas! - Create branded QueryRef type without exposed properties.

    This change deprecates QueryReference in favor of a QueryRef type that doesn't expose any properties. This change also updates preloadQuery to return a new PreloadedQueryRef type, which exposes the toPromise function as it does today. This means that query refs produced by useBackgroundQuery and useLoadableQuery now return QueryRef types that do not have access to a toPromise function, which was never meant to be used in combination with these hooks.

    While we tend to avoid any types of breaking changes in patch releases as this, this change was necessary to support an upcoming version of the React Server Component integration, which needed to omit the toPromise function that would otherwise have broken at runtime. Note that this is a TypeScript-only change. At runtime, toPromise is still present on all queryRefs currently created by this package - but we strongly want to discourage you from accessing it in all cases except for the PreloadedQueryRef use case.

    Migration is as simple as replacing all references to QueryReference with QueryRef, so it should be possible to do this with a search & replace in most code bases:

    -import { QueryReference } from '@apollo/client'
    +import { QueryRef } from '@apollo/client'
    function Component({ queryRef }: { queryRef: QueryReference<TData> }) {
    function Component({ queryRef }: { queryRef: QueryRef<TData> }) {
    // ...
  • #11845 4c5c820 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Remove @nonreactive directives from queries passed to MockLink to ensure they are properly matched.

  • #11837 dff15b1 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Fix an issue where a polled query created in React strict mode may not stop polling after the component unmounts while using the cache-and-network fetch policy.

  • v3.10.3

    Patch Changes


    Patch Changes

    • #11821 2675d3c Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Fix a regression where rerendering a component with useBackgroundQuery would recreate the queryRef instance when used with React's strict mode.

    • #11821 2675d3c Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Revert the change introduced in 3.9.10 via #11738 that disposed of queryRefs synchronously. This change caused too many issues with strict mode.


    Patch Changes

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from @​apollo/client's changelog.


    Patch Changes

    • #11838 8475346 Thanks @​alex-kinokon! - Don’t prompt for DevTools installation for browser extension page

    • #11839 6481fe1 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Fix a regression in 3.9.5 where a merge function that returned an incomplete result would not allow the client to refetch in order to fulfill the query.

    • #11844 86984f2 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Honor the @nonreactive directive when using cache.watchFragment or the useFragment hook to avoid rerendering when using these directives.

    • #11824 47ad806 Thanks @​phryneas! - Create branded QueryRef type without exposed properties.

      This change deprecates QueryReference in favor of a QueryRef type that doesn't expose any properties. This change also updates preloadQuery to return a new PreloadedQueryRef type, which exposes the toPromise function as it does today. This means that query refs produced by useBackgroundQuery and useLoadableQuery now return QueryRef types that do not have access to a toPromise function, which was never meant to be used in combination with these hooks.

      While we tend to avoid any types of breaking changes in patch releases as this, this change was necessary to support an upcoming version of the React Server Component integration, which needed to omit the toPromise function that would otherwise have broken at runtime. Note that this is a TypeScript-only change. At runtime, toPromise is still present on all queryRefs currently created by this package - but we strongly want to discourage you from accessing it in all cases except for the PreloadedQueryRef use case.

      Migration is as simple as replacing all references to QueryReference with QueryRef, so it should be possible to do this with a search & replace in most code bases:

      -import { QueryReference } from '@apollo/client'
      +import { QueryRef } from '@apollo/client'
      function Component({ queryRef }: { queryRef: QueryReference<TData> }) {
      function Component({ queryRef }: { queryRef: QueryRef<TData> }) {
      // ...
  • #11845 4c5c820 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Remove @nonreactive directives from queries passed to MockLink to ensure they are properly matched.

  • #11837 dff15b1 Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Fix an issue where a polled query created in React strict mode may not stop polling after the component unmounts while using the cache-and-network fetch policy.

  • 3.10.3

    Patch Changes


    Patch Changes

    • #11821 2675d3c Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Fix a regression where rerendering a component with useBackgroundQuery would recreate the queryRef instance when used with React's strict mode.

    • #11821 2675d3c Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Revert the change introduced in 3.9.10 via #11738 that disposed of queryRefs synchronously. This change caused too many issues with strict mode.

    ... (truncated)

    • d773000 Version Packages (#11843)
    • 6481fe1 Fix merge function that returns incomplete result that did not refetch from n...
    • 4c5c820 Remove @nonreactive directives from queries passed to MockLink (#11845)
    • 86984f2 Honor @nonreactive with useFragment and cache.watchFragment (#11844)
    • 8475346 Don’t prompt for DevTools installation for browser extension page (#11838)
    • dff15b1 Fix issue where query may not stop polling after unmount when in Strict mode ...
    • 47ad806 create branded QueryRef type without exposed properties (#11824)
    • 857f100 [docs] Update explainer around reducing-bundle-size (#11791)
    • 3861b7c chore(docs): fix url for reset function (#11836)
    • 50da867 Version Packages (#11833)
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Updates @hookform/resolvers from 3.3.4 to 3.4.2

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​hookform/resolvers's releases.


    3.4.2 (2024-05-20)

    Bug Fixes

    • move back to in-build set and remove lodash.set (#685) (5754c47)


    3.4.1 (2024-05-20)

    Bug Fixes


    3.4.0 (2024-05-15)



    Updates @mui/lab from 5.0.0-alpha.169 to 5.0.0-alpha.170


    Updates @mui/material from 5.15.14 to 5.15.18

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​mui/material's releases.


    May 14, 2024

    A big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

    @mui/[email protected]



    All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @​arthurbalduini, @​oliviertassinari, @​samuelsycamore, @​TahaRhidouani, @​tarunrajput


    May 8, 2024

    A big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. This release was mostly about 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.

    @mui/[email protected]



    All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @​github-actions[bot], @​joserodolfofreitas, @​oliviertassinari, @​siriwatknp

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from @​mui/material's changelog.


    May 14, 2024

    A big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

    @mui/[email protected]



    All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @​arthurbalduini, @​oliviertassinari, @​samuelsycamore, @​TahaRhidouani, @​tarunrajput


    May 8, 2024

    A big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. This release was mostly about 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.

    @mui/[email protected]



    ... (truncated)


    Updates @mui/x-tree-view from 7.1.0 to 7.5.1

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​mui/x-tree-view's releases.


    We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 6 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

    • 🧰 Improve tree view testing
    • 📊 Add label to be displayed in BarChart

    Data Grid

    @mui/[email protected]

    @mui/[email protected] pro

    Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

    @mui/[email protected] premium

    Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

    Date and Time Pickers

    @mui/[email protected]

    @mui/[email protected] pro

    Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


    @mui/[email protected]



    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from @​mui/x-tree-view's changelog.


    May 23, 2024

    We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 6 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

    • 🧰 Improve tree view testing
    • 📊 Add label to be displayed in BarChart

    Data Grid

    @mui/[email protected]

    @mui/[email protected] pro

    Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

    @mui/[email protected] premium

    Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].

    Date and Time Pickers

    @mui/[email protected]

    @mui/[email protected] pro

    Same changes as in @mui/[email protected].


    @mui/[email protected]



    ... (truncated)


    Updates @navikt/aksel from 6.3.3 to 6.8.0

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​navikt/aksel's releases.

    [email protected]

    New component <FormProgress /> 🎉



    • Stepper.Step: Set aria-current to step instead of true (#2920)


    • HGrid: refactored CSS. (#2917)

    [email protected]

    Ny komponent FormSummary 🎉


    FormSummary brukes til å vise en oppsummering av et utfylt skjema før brukeren sender det inn.


    • ✨ Ny komponent FormSummary (#2802)
    • Combobox: Prevents "Enter" while Combobox is focused from submitting form. (#2861)


    • ✨ Ny komponent FormSummary (#2802)


    • Aksel CLI: Fjernet deprecated komponenter fra css oversikt. (#2860)

    [email protected]


    • Tabs: Ny prop lazy som rendrer innhold i TabPanel selv når panel er skjult (har fortsatt display:none) (#2621).
    • ToggleGroup: Erstattet bruk av dependency @radix-ui/react-toggle-group med egen implementasjon. (#2620)
    • Tabs: La til ny prop fill som lar Tabs.Tab-elementer strekke seg over tilgjengelig bredde. (#2621). Demo.
    • Tabs: Erstattet bruk av dependency @radix-ui/react-tabs med egen implementasjon. (#2621)
    • DatePicker/MonthPicker: Valgte datoer får nå aria-pressed for å bedre indikere valg for skjermleser. (#2838)
    • DatePicker/MonthPicker: required-prop stoppet ikke de-select av allerede valgt dato. (#2838)
    • ToggleGroup: La til ny prop fill som strekker ToggleGroup til å ta opp all tilgjengelig bredde. (#2620). Demo.
    • FileUpload.Item: 💥 Endret API og støtte for å sette ID på knappen (#2824)


    • FileUpload: Item-illustrasjon har nå border-radius: 9999px (#2834)

    Sourced from @​navikt/aksel's changelog.


    Patch Changes


    Patch Changes


    Patch Changes


    Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies []:
      • @​navikt/ds-css@​6.6.1


    Patch Changes

    • Aksel CLI: Fjernet deprecated komponenter fra css oversikt. (#2860)

    • Updated dependencies [3a73a029f]:

      • @​navikt/ds-css@​6.6.0


    Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies []:
      • @​navikt/ds-css@​6.5.0


    Patch Changes

    ... (truncated)


    Updates @navikt/ds-css from 6.3.3 to 6.8.0


    Sourced from @​navikt/ds-css's changelog.




    • ✨ Ny komponent: FormProgress (#2855)
    • Stepper.Step: Set aria-current to "step" instead of true (#2920)


    • ✨ Ny komponent: FormProgress (#2855)
    • HGrid: forenklet CSS. (#2917)



    • Progressbar: Tweak API, examples, stories and css (#2892)

    • Combobox: Remove 'Ingen søketreff' when custom options allowed (#2895)

    • Datepicker, MonthPicker: Rekkefølgen på årstall i Select er reversert slik at siste år er øverst. Dette er endret for å være bedre tilpasset ekspertsystemer der de mest relevante årene ble vist lengst unna musepeker ved klikk. (#2882)

    • ✨ Ny komponent: ProgressBar (#2845)


    • Progressbar: Tweak API, examples, stories and css (#2892)
    • ✨ Ny komponent: ProgressBar (#2845)
    • Checkbox, Radio: Erstatter :focus-visible med :focus for bedre UX brukt sammen med ErrorSummary. (#2893)

    • 💄 tweak CSS for timeline pins. (#2889)



    • Aksel CLI: Fjernet deprecated komponenter fra css oversikt. (#2860)


    • Spacer: Er nå span (tidligere div). (#2874)
    • ✨ Ny komponent FormSummary (#2802)

    ... (truncated)


    Updates @navikt/ds-react from 6.3.3 to 6.8.0


    Sourced from @​navikt/ds-react's changelog.




    • ✨ Ny komponent: FormProgress (#2855)
    • Stepper.Step: Set aria-current to "step" instead of true (#2920)


    • ✨ Ny komponent: FormProgress (#2855)
    • HGrid: forenklet CSS. (#2917)



    • Progressbar: Tweak API, examples, stories and css (#2892)

    • Combobox: Remove 'Ingen søketreff' when custom options allowed (#2895)

    • Datepicker, MonthPicker: Rekkefølgen på årstall i Select er reversert slik at siste år er øverst. Dette er endret for å være bedre tilpasset ekspertsystemer der de mest relevante årene ble vist lengst unna musepeker ved klikk. (#2882)

    • ✨ Ny komponent: ProgressBar (#2845)


    • Progressbar: Tweak API, examples, stories and css (#2892)
    • ✨ Ny komponent: ProgressBar (#2845)
    • Checkbox, Radio: Erstatter :focus-visible med :focus for bedre UX brukt sammen med ErrorSummary. (

    Bumps the npm group with 23 updates in the / directory:
    | Package | From | To |
    | --- | --- | --- |
    | [@apollo/client]( | `3.9.9` | `3.10.4` |
    | [@hookform/resolvers]( | `3.3.4` | `3.4.2` |
    | [@mui/lab]( | `5.0.0-alpha.169` | `5.0.0-alpha.170` |
    | [@mui/material]( | `5.15.14` | `5.15.18` |
    | [@mui/x-tree-view]( | `7.1.0` | `7.5.1` |
    | [@navikt/aksel]( | `6.3.3` | `6.8.0` |
    | [@navikt/ds-react]( | `6.3.3` | `6.8.0` |
    | [@navikt/ds-tailwind]( | `6.3.3` | `6.8.0` |
    | [@next/bundle-analyzer]( | `14.1.4` | `14.2.3` |
    | [next]( | `14.1.4` | `14.2.3` |
    | [react]( | `18.2.0` | `18.3.1` |
    | [@types/react]( | `18.2.73` | `18.3.3` |
    | [react-dom]( | `18.2.0` | `18.3.1` |
    | [react-hook-form]( | `7.51.2` | `7.51.5` |
    | [react-intersection-observer]( | `9.8.1` | `9.10.2` |
    | [@graphql-codegen/typescript]( | `4.0.6` | `4.0.7` |
    | [@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations]( | `4.2.0` | `4.2.1` |
    | [@types/lodash]( | `4.17.0` | `4.17.4` |
    | [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( | `7.4.0` | `7.10.0` |
    | [@typescript-eslint/parser]( | `7.4.0` | `7.10.0` |
    | [eslint]( | `8.57.0` | `9.3.0` |
    | [eslint-config-next]( | `14.1.4` | `14.2.3` |
    | [typescript]( | `5.4.3` | `5.4.5` |
    Updates `@apollo/client` from 3.9.9 to 3.10.4
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](apollographql/apollo-client@v3.9.9...v3.10.4)
    Updates `@hookform/resolvers` from 3.3.4 to 3.4.2
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](react-hook-form/resolvers@v3.3.4...v3.4.2)
    Updates `@mui/lab` from 5.0.0-alpha.169 to 5.0.0-alpha.170
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `@mui/material` from 5.15.14 to 5.15.18
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `@mui/x-tree-view` from 7.1.0 to 7.5.1
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `@navikt/aksel` from 6.3.3 to 6.8.0
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits]([email protected]/@navikt/aksel)
    Updates `@navikt/ds-css` from 6.3.3 to 6.8.0
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits]([email protected]...@navikt/[email protected])
    Updates `@navikt/ds-react` from 6.3.3 to 6.8.0
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits]([email protected]...@navikt/[email protected])
    Updates `@navikt/ds-tailwind` from 6.3.3 to 6.8.0
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits]([email protected]/@navikt/core/tailwind)
    Updates `@next/bundle-analyzer` from 14.1.4 to 14.2.3
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `next` from 14.1.4 to 14.2.3
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](vercel/next.js@v14.1.4...v14.2.3)
    Updates `react` from 18.2.0 to 18.3.1
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `@types/react` from 18.2.73 to 18.3.3
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `react-dom` from 18.2.0 to 18.3.1
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `react-hook-form` from 7.51.2 to 7.51.5
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](react-hook-form/react-hook-form@v7.51.2...v7.51.5)
    Updates `react-intersection-observer` from 9.8.1 to 9.10.2
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](thebuilder/react-intersection-observer@v9.8.1...v9.10.2)
    Updates `@graphql-codegen/typescript` from 4.0.6 to 4.0.7
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits]([email protected]/packages/plugins/typescript/typescript)
    Updates `@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations` from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits]([email protected]/packages/plugins/typescript/operations)
    Updates `@types/lodash` from 4.17.0 to 4.17.4
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `@types/react` from 18.2.73 to 18.3.3
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin` from 7.4.0 to 7.10.0
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `@typescript-eslint/parser` from 7.4.0 to 7.10.0
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `eslint` from 8.57.0 to 9.3.0
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](eslint/eslint@v8.57.0...v9.3.0)
    Updates `eslint-config-next` from 14.1.4 to 14.2.3
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](
    Updates `typescript` from 5.4.3 to 5.4.5
    - [Release notes](
    - [Changelog](
    - [Commits](microsoft/TypeScript@v5.4.3...v5.4.5)
    - dependency-name: "@apollo/client"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@hookform/resolvers"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@mui/lab"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@mui/material"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@mui/x-tree-view"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@navikt/aksel"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@navikt/ds-css"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@navikt/ds-react"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@navikt/ds-tailwind"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@next/bundle-analyzer"
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: next
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: react
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@types/react"
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: react-dom
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: react-hook-form
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: react-intersection-observer
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@graphql-codegen/typescript"
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations"
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@types/lodash"
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@types/react"
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin"
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: "@typescript-eslint/parser"
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: eslint
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-major
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: eslint-config-next
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: npm
    - dependency-name: typescript
      dependency-type: direct:development
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: npm
    Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
    @dependabot dependabot bot added dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code labels May 27, 2024
    Copy link
    Contributor Author

    dependabot bot commented on behalf of github Jun 3, 2024

    Looks like these dependencies are updatable in another way, so this is no longer needed.

    @dependabot dependabot bot closed this Jun 3, 2024
    @dependabot dependabot bot deleted the dependabot/npm_and_yarn/npm-ba1011ec7c branch June 3, 2024 14:08
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    dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file javascript Pull requests that update Javascript code
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