Arcus Server 1.13.0
2020-12-16 [version 1.13.0]
* [FEATURE] added mgets command
* [FEATURE] added persistence function in default engine. (beta)
* [FEATURE] added default_engine.conf file to set engine settings.
* [IMPROVE] make possible notifying io completion multiple times.
* [IMPROVE] reduced the count of calling the number_of_pending().
* [IMPROVE] do not increase the refcount when allocate an hash_item.
* [IMPROVE] optimized the do_item_replace() function.
* [FIX] set item_count to -2 only ENGINE_ENOMEM in item_scan_getnext().
* [FIX] reset elem_count of erst_array in item_scan_release().
* [FIX] changed the use_cas checking in an existing hash item.
* [FIX] do the blocked io even if preparing coll get response fails.
* [FIX] set rltotal to 0 when read in data to single buffer.
* [TEST] disabled tests about the max item size more than 1mb.
* [CLEANUP] added redistribution logs when expand the hash table.
* [CLEANUP] set the engine related settings by reloading engine config.
* [CLEANUP] added the item apply functions.
* [CLEANUP] separated the item module into multiple files.
* [CLEANUP] refactored many parts in source code.