This is my personal setup for setting up a Mac for development. Suggestions welcome in issues. PRs less welcome unless you know me and are pretty sure I'd appreciate it :)
As initial users have more restrictive rules regarding name captialization, remember to create a non-primary user first (called something like tempuser
) . Create that user, then a real one for iHiD
, then delete the old one.
- Show battery percentage
- Touchpad -> Check
Tap to click
- Displays -> Night Shift ->
Custom: 22:00 to 9:00
,More Warm
- Sound -> Sound Effects: Check
Show volume in menu bar
- Night Shift:
Custom: 22:00 to 9:00
,More Warm
- Check "Show bluetooth in menu bar"
- Turn on Hard Disks
- Turn on External Disks
- Turn off CDs...
- Turn off Connected Servers
- New finder windows shows iHiD
Sidebar: TODO - Insert image
- Show all filename extensions
Download, configure. Phone required.
Generate a key, add it to keychain, and put it on the clipboard:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
Then paste it into GitHub at
Also consider adding to chef repos (at blob/master/cookbooks/users/templates/default/iHiD_pub.erb
Firstly, we need Homebrew to manage dependencies.
In the dotfiles we have a Brewfile. We need to install brew, install git, clone the dotfiles repo, then run the brewfile.
- Install homebrew:
brew install git
git clone ~/.dotfiles
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/files/Brewfile ~/Brewfile
Ensure everything is uncommented in the Brewfile then run:
cd ~ && brew bundle
Don't install this from homebrew. Instead download the most recent DMG from
Let's get VIM setup:
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.vim ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/files/.gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
Configure Git correctly (it was installed in the step above)
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/files/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/files/.gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
- Import iHiD terminal from
show files). - Set iHiD terminal to default
Fish will be installed via Homebrew. Run these to make it default:
echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
ln ~/.dotfiles/files/ ~/.config/fish/
Install fisher:
curl --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/files/fishfile ~/.config/fish/fishfile
fish -c fisher
Set correct colours for ls:
set -Ux LSCOLORS gxfxbEaEBxxEhEhBaDaCaD
ruby-install ruby
Create a ruby version file using:
echo "ruby-2.7" > ~/.ruby-version
is installed via fisher. Run this to install node:
nvm use lts
Then get the latest npm and install yarn.
npm install -g npm@latest
npm install -g yarn
I'm not 100% sure this is needed but I think it worked.
yarn global add prettier @prettier/plugin-ruby
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/files/.ssh_config ~/.ssh/config
Add the auth token from
mkdir -p ~/Code/exercism
git clone [email protected]:exercism/website.git ~/Code/exercism/website
gem install lolcommits
cd ~/Code/exercism/website
lolcommits --enable
mkdir -p ~/.git_template/hooks
git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git_template'
cp ~/Code/exercism/website/.git/hooks/post-commit ~/.git_template/hooks/