What's Changed
- Add support for reading clio store body annotations by @jefferis in #3
- ellipsis passed to mirror_brain in mirror_manc by @dokato in #5
- manc tissue surface added by @dokato in #6
- handling missing values by @dokato in #7
- Use long-lived clio token by default by @jefferis in #9
- Fix/manc read neurons missing by @jefferis in #10
- Feature/clio annotate bodies by @jefferis in #14
- symmetrized tissue surface added by @dokato in #15
- randomise the id used for body annotation tests by @jefferis in #17
- Feature/new soma info by @jefferis in #18
- Update manc annotate body by @dokato in #19
- manc_set_lrgroup accepts partial changes by @dokato in #22
- Fixed dvidtools and tests added by @dokato in #24
- fix in manc_meta when setting dvid_group by @dokato in #26
Full Changelog: https://github.com/flyconnectome/malevnc/commits/v0.1.1