This project supports the monitoring of pull requests in repositories that have specific GitHub team access. It will send slack alerts to the channel associated with the SLACK_WEBHOOK There are two slack messages that indicate:
- These pull requests have had no activity for more than two days:
TDR Notifier APP 7:06 AM
Hello team!
These pull requests have had no activity for more than two days:
xxx: [WIP- Experiment] Turn off fail fast for E2E tests Draft Updated 2 days ago
- Here are the pull requests to review today:
Here are the pull requests to review today:
tna-da-bot: Update dynamodb to 2.23.10
tna-da-bot: Update aws-java-sdk-dynamodb to 1.12.644
Workflow | Summary |
Run Pull Request Monitor | Runs pull request monitor for repos associated with a team/s |
TDR Run PR Monitor Tests | Runs tdr test action with sbt scalafmtCheckAll test |
This workflow is run on a cron running pull request monitor jobs for different environments.
Within the .github/workflowa/run.yml
file there are several jobs such as:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: tdr
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- run: sbt run
TEAM: transfer-digital-records
DRY_RUN: false
For each job a separate environment is required with:
- SLACK_WEBHOOK (webhook for a Slack channel to which messages are sent ) environment secret
- TEAM GitHub team name that has access to the repositories requiring checking
You will also need:
- GITHUB_API_TOKEN: repository secret used to create PR
- WORKFLOW_PAT: repository secret PAT used to create the pull requests
To scan repositories for different teams create a new job and environment