This is a set of containerized build environments for ROOter GoldenOrb based on OpenWRT release 19.07.6. At the time of this writing, 19.07.6 is the primary build environment for ROOter, covers 125 router models, and is fully supported here. The 18.06.7 build container is under active development, only covers one standard model, and should be considered experimental at this time.
This container also includes the nathhad/autobuilder wrapper script system. It is meant to be a main building block to construct and deploy ROOter autobuild servers, but also provides full support for building custom images, including all of the usual custom image abilities supported by the ROOter build environment.
This git covers building different ROOter build environments. The files needed for creating a build environment image from scratch are located in a subfolder for each build environment:
- 19076: 19.07.6 (the primary ROOter build environment, 125+ routers, fully supported)
- 2102: 21.02 (the newest ROOter build environment, very very experimental)
- 18067: 18.06.7 (supports one older router, container in development)
At this time the 2102 build environment is in very early testing.
The instructions here are primarily for 19.07.6; some file names may change for the other build containers, but an effort has been made to point the changes out when possible.
- ROOter GoldenOrb
- ROOter support forum (one giant thread, all developers active)
- ROOter Autobuild Images (most recent standard images, 19.06.7 only)
- ROOter Custom Images (from support requests on the forum)
- ROOter 19.07.6 build system
- ROOter 19.07.6 build system instructions
- Autobuild System
These steps will get you going using the basic, default settings.
Before you begin, you will need:
- A working docker install
- A user account with the permissions needed to work with docker (either root, or in the docker group)
- Space. The build environment itself is only a few gigs, but building ROOter is very, very space intensive compared to most Docker jobs. 200GB minimum to build the full 125 router catalog (which will use 160-180 GB).
By default, Docker stores everything under /var/lib/docker
. If you don't have a generous partition for that,
it's a great way to fill up and lock up your root drive, which will waste half of your afternoon fixing. I strongly
recommend setting this up on a partition that isn't your root drive. If this is a new install and not a system
with other Docker containers already running, I recommend moving your Docker root file location right off the bat
before you begin. Follow the instructions here and scroll straight
down to the heading that reads, "Change Docker storage location: THE RIGHT WAY!"
If you've got your storage straight, you're ready to set up the image.
- Download this Git
The git has a few helpful scripts, and it is worth grabbing some or all of it. This quick setup assumes you download at least part (the latest snapshot). However, it is possible to get a working build environment using only the script for the particular build environment you want, or by following the manual directions given below. The simple-up scripts are the recommended and supported way to download and install the containers.
The easy way, to get the whole git:
git clone --depth 1 --branch main --single-branch ~/docker-rooterbuilder
The minimum recommended component for this quick startup is the quick start script for your desired build environment:
If you download manually, you will either need to manually make sure your script copies have the execute permission set, or change your script command syntax when you run them.
- Set up storage volumes
Your storage volumes are the only persistent part of the image, the program part of the image starts clean every time you restart the container (reboot, etc). You no longer need to manually create the volumes you will use for the container as long as you use the "simple-up" scripts from this git, but it is good to know their names for further steps. You may also choose to create them manually, as the scrpit will simply skip creation if it sees they are already there:
docker volume create r19_autobuild
docker volume create r19_build
docker volume create rb_output
Those three will hold your configuration files, your actual build environment, and the resulting output images.
All versions of the build environment share the same output volume (which simplifies setting up a shared autobuild server). However, the autobuild and build folders are renamed accordingly by the up scripts for different build environment versions.
- Download and install the image
The simple-up scripts should pull the latest image for you if you do not already have it on your system. However, to manually pull an image:
19.07.6 (manual pull)
docker pull nathhad/rooter19076:latest
18.06.7 (manual pull)
docker pull nathhad/rooter18067:latest
- Start the container
The first time you start the container, it will pull both the build environment and the autobuild wrapper setup down off of github. This will take several minutes at a minimum, so you will need to wait for that step to complete first. To first start the container, cd to the folder where you downloaded the startup script in step 3, and run (for the 19 build environment):
To know when initial container setup is complete, you'll need to watch the output of the container using docker logs. Execute this command:
docker logs -f r19build
Wait for a line that reads System ready to go.
You can then Ctrl-C
out of watching the log.
Once you run the image the first time, and it initializes the environment in your storage volumes, the container will skip that step in the future, and startup of the container will only take a few seconds.
If for some reason you want to clear your container and start over, you can run, which is included in the git. This will wipe both the build environment and autobuild settings container. This is not recommended as a frequent practice unless recovering from something quite wrong - wiping the autobuild volume will remove any tuning settings, and wiping the build volume will wipe out any custom image definitions you have created. However, other than losing these bits of information, no other harm will come of wiping the storage; the container will simply re-download the build and autobuild environments when you next start it, and start fresh.
- Building Images
At this point setup is complete, and you are ready to build images.
Most autobuild commands can be issued from inside or outside of the container. Building custom images must be done from the command line inside the container, because it requires a fair bit of interactive input. For this quick start guide, we will assume you will do all work from inside. Step into your running image with the following command (example given for 19):
docker exec -it r19build /bin/bash
Your command terminal will change to show you inside the container now. Example:
chuck@felix:~/$ docker exec -it r19build /bin/bash
The characters after root@
will be different for your machine; this is the ID number
of your container, and will change any time you create a new container (for example,
by updating to a newer image, covered in a later step). For the rest of this quick
start, I will show that "inside the image" prompt for any commands meant to be run
from within your container.
You may exit the container at any time with the usual exit
command. This will not
stop the container from running, merely log you out of it.
The Autobuild wrapper system is used for rapidly building stock images and keeping your build environment up to date. While many Autobuild commands can be issued from outside the container, for now, plan to be at a command line inside the container to get started.
Your main interface with the autobuild system is the abmanage script, which does include basic helpfile output:
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage help
Use is best illustrated with several examples.
Update the build system catalog, and show all new routers (any router which doesn't already have an existing image in the /build/output folder):
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage -p new
You can print the status of the entire catalog. It's long, so you will need to format the output to make it readable. If you are on a large terminal (160x50 or bigger) you can get beautiful output by piping to column. Example, without an update:
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage status | column
For smaller terminals that won't fit multiple columns, example with update:
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage -p status | less
Print a list of all new routers (routers which are in the catalog but have no images in the /build/output folder):
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage new
Update the build catalog, print a list of all new routers, and build all new routers
if there are any (using the -e
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage -pe new
List all routers in current copy of catalog with an image where the newest image is over 5 days old:
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage stale 5
Update, and build a fresh copy of every router with an existing image:
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# abmanage -pe stale 0
At the moment, there is no all
command as I have not needed it, but I do plan
to add one in the future. An equivalent to a "build all" directive can be
accomplished right now by following abmanage -pe new
with abmanage -e stale 0
to run a fresh image of every router in the catalog.
There are two currently supported cleanup commands. prune <integer>
will find
every router with more than <integer>
completed images, and move any extras
above that number to the trash folder. stray
will move any images not in
the current catalog to the trash folder; please be aware that stray will also
sweep up custom images. The trash folder is /build/output/trash, and this folder
currently requires manual cleanup.
If you need the server to build stock autobuild images of specific router models,
that is also easy to command, by sending the list of routers you want directly to the
autobuild system's trigger file. This is also how abmanage starts builds with the
flag. In this Docker image, the autobuild system's trigger file is located
at /tmp/go
in temporary storage. Once the trigger system has picked up your
command (it will check every 60 seconds), it will remove the trigger file.
For example:
root@2c22c3f20b77:/# echo "ALIX-2D13 APU2C4 AR150 AR300LITE AR750 AR750S" >> /tmp/go
will queue up six routers for immediate build in the queue, which will start in a minute or less.
The router names may be separated interchangeably by spaces or line feeds. That means if you sent some routers to the trigger, and immediately realized you forgot a few, you can immediately append them to the trigger file the same way. For example, the following is exactly equivalent to the block above:
root@2c22c3f20b77:/# echo "ALIX-2D13 APU2C4 AR150 AR300LITE" >> /tmp/go
root@2c22c3f20b77:/# echo "AR750 AR750S" >> /tmp/go
As long as you get them appended before the trigger system catches it, all of the routers will be included in the batch that will be started.
The only thing to be careful of: make certain you always append to your
trigger file using >>
rather than overwriting using >
What if you're too slow, and the system triggers before you add your second batch?
That's okay too. The trigger system will have cleared the first batch from the file
when it started that batch running, and you can keep adding more routers manually
to the trigger file using >>
while it runs. The system will wait to check the
trigger again until the current build set is complete. Afterward, it will spot
your new additions again within a minute, and start another batch.
What if you want some time to prepare your manual list first? That's easy, too. Just start your list in a temporary file - nano is installed inside the image for this use, and for system tuning. You can take your time putting your list together. When you're done, you can just save and move that file to the trigger file location. If your temporary list was /tmp/mylist, just execute:
root@2c22c3f20b77:/# mv /tmp/mylist /tmp/go
If your use case has you re-running the same manual list of routers over and over, you can save your list to /build/autobuild/mylist instead (as the autobuild folder is persistent, and the tmp folder is not), and just copy the list to the trigger whenever you need to start a build:
root@2c22c3f20b77:/# cp /build/autobuild/mylist /tmp/go
Building custom images works exactly as described in the ROOter 19.07.6 build system instructions. Running in a container doesn't change anything about this process by default, except for the root file location of the build system, which will be at /build/rooter/rooter19076. Once your container is running, simply step into the container as explained above, then navigate to the right folder:
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# cd /build/rooter/rooter19076
From there, open the build system instructions above, and skip straight past all of the setup instructions to the heading which reads Creating Custom Images.
Once you have built a custom image, you will need to move it manually to the right folder to get it out of your container. The custom build script will leave its output in a subfolder of the build system. You will need to move it to the normal output folder with the following command:
root@2c22c3f20b77:~# mv /build/rooter/rooter19076/images/*.zip /build/output/
Once you have built what you need, you just need to get it out of the container. Luckily Docker makes this fairly straightforward, as the contents of those storage volumes are directly accessible from outside the container, too.
The following examples assume the Docker root is still at the default
location, /var/lib/docker
. If you moved your docker file system to
another partition like I recommended way up before we even started Step 1,
you'll need to substitute the correct root path.
The contents of your /build/output storage directory will be directly accessible here:
You can copy them straight out, though you'll usually need root privileges to do so, as Docker runs as root by default.
Your container can be stopped, started, and restarted at your convenience, and will of course be stopped if the computer is rebooted. This container is not set to automatically restart by default, and must be manually started after a reboot, though that can be trivially changed if you desire (as described in plenty of other Docker guides and info).
To stop your container:
docker stop r19build
Most importantly, your container does not need to be re-created in order to restart it. Simply start it with:
docker start r19build
Updating the build environment itself is handled from within using
abmanage -p status
(or any other command that supports the -p flag).
Updating the autobuild wrapper: step into the container, and cd to
/build/autobuild/. Execute git pull
here, and as long as you have
not modified any of the original autobuild files, any updates to
the autobuild wrapper system will be pulled down and incorporated
automatically. (This is why you should put any configuration
changes in autobuild19.local.conf, as changing autobuild19.conf
directly will block the git update.)
Updating the build container's image: this is actually the easiest update. All of the working programs in the container are a static image, and containers themselves are disposable (because all your actual data, including the ROOter build system files and the autobuild wrapper files, is stored in the persistent volumes). To update the container's software, you simply stop the container, remove it, pull a newer copy of the container image (Docker will only pull updates, not a full fresh copy), and start a new container.
docker stop r19build
docker rm r19build
docker pull nathhad/rooter19076:latest
With that, you have a new container with all of the most current software updates, and your fresh container will pick right back up where the old one left off in your build environment.
The autobuild wrapper already builds a good bit of performance tuning into the build process when creating a stock image. The main tuning adjustment to make is thread count. Image builds can benefit substantially from parallel processing. The default autobuild configuration is for two parallel threads; however, most relatively new build machines (really, anything first generation Intel Core i5 or i7 or newer, or equivalent) is almost certainly going to benefit from turning up the thread count.
To adjust the thread count, edit the file /build/autobuild/autobuild19.local.conf
with nano. Near the bottom, look for the line that reads:
That makeflag will control the number of parallel threads run in the parts of the build that can be run parallel. A good place to start with most systems is at your number of processor cores (real cores, not virtual cores provided by hyperthreading) plus 1. Ultimately your final system tuning will be via trial and error.
Make your adjustment, start a build, and open htop (on your host machine, not in the container). In the top right, you will see three numbers after the label Load Average; they represent the average over the past one, five, and fifteen minutes. You want to primarily watch the first number when the system is working hard. Your target number should be your number of cores if you have a non-hyperthreading processor, or roughly 1.3 times your number of cores on a hyperthreading processor.
You do not need to worry about overloading your processor in a way that interferes with other services running on your host computer. The autobuild wrapper automatically deprioritizes all of the threads run as part of the build process, so if another process needs the CPU resources, the build threads will automatically get held back long enough to get the more critical work done.
The only think you need to keep an eye on is your system temperatures. If your cooling system isn't up to the task and you don't routinely use your machine hard, tuning the autobuild system to max out your processor for 30 hours straight is a very effective way to find out. (That's also true if testing your cooling system is actually the goal, except unlike a lot of test suites, this way gets actual work done and shows you the performance under a real workload.)
Because the custom build system doesn't use the autobuild wrapper, the performance tuning (deprioritizing the build, then making it run multiple threads) is not automatically included. Luckily you can turn on these features manually.
Please refer back to the rooter custom build instructions document when reading this section. We will be working with the following example build command directly from the build instructions:
./build archerc7v5 -eb custom-c7v5
First, to deprioritize this command and everything else it runs by five
priority points, we run the command through nice
nice -n 5 ./build archerc7v5 -eb custom-c7v5
This does the exact same thing as the first command, just with the process and all of its children deprioritized. Now we can safely run more threads. To do that without modifying anything in the build script, we need to manually pass an environment variable to make when we start the build, this way:
MAKEFLAGS='-j3' nice -n 5 ./build archerc7v5 -eb custom-c7v5
The above version of the command will run the build deprioritized, with up to three threads at once - and is exactly how the autobuild wrapper calls the build script when doing automated builds.
When using the autobuild wrapper in the Docker container, output has been redirected to the docker log. Batch builds can be monitored from outside the container using the command
docker logs -f r19build
This data for each build is also redirected into a file in /build/autobuild/output named where NUM is a sequence tracking number for this individual build system.
The orginary (and very log) output from the OpenWRT build process is redirected
into the file /build/autobuild/output/buildout19.txt and may be followed from
inside the container using tail -f /build/autobuild/output/buildout19.txt
Similarly, standard error from the build process is redirected into
builderr19.txt in the same location.
If a model fails to build, the last 10 lines each from buildout19.txt and
builderr19.txt will be saved to a file named NUM.ROUTERMODEL.err.txt for use
in diagnosis. The wrapper will then run make clean
to clear the build environment,
and retry the build of that model router. This will generally take noticeably
longer than the first build, but will solve build errors often enough to be
worth the automatic rerun. If the second build fails, a second NUM.ROUTERMODEL.rberr.txt
with the end of the rebuild process will be saved, and the wrapper will move on
to the next router model in the queue.
The containerized version of the autobuild system is still a work in progress. The following work or new features are all either in the works, or planned as soon as I can get to them.
Run the processes inside the container as a non-privileged user. Currently the build process runs as root, which is, needless to say, less than ideal.
More documentation: This README is really all there is so far. Documentation is sadly lacking. I do aim to rectify this as quickly as possible.
Improved control from outside the container: w.i.p.
A multi-container management system (like abmanage) to simplify running all of the build environments together in a full autobuild server