Wispinski, N.J., Lin, S., Enns, J.T., & Chapman, C.S. (2021). Selective attention to real-world objects drives their emotional appraisal. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-020-02177-x.
This project consists of two experiments which aimed to measure the impact of attention and action on affective evaluation.
These data and code (along with pre-registration and videos of the task), are also available at https://osf.io/iyd9s/.
This code is written to be compatible with MATLAB 2018a.
- Contains a .mat file for each participant
- Participant ID prefixes correspond to study and condition:
- OD (Study 1)
- OR (Study 2 - Reaching condition)
- OK (Study 2 - Keyboard condition)
- Note: Some participant IDs are repeated because of experimenter error. All individual files correspond to a unique participant-condition combination
- data_struct.matData contains trial-by-trial behavioural measures (variables described in .m analysis scripts)
- data_struct.newFDA contains space-normalized (100 points per trial) reach trajectories for each trial (see Gallivan & Chapman, 2014 for trajectory analysis methods)
- Analyses Study 1 (OD* files) for effect of attentional condition on affective ratings
- Analyses Study 2 (OR* and OK* files) for effect of attentional condition on affective ratings
removeTrials.m removeTrials_keyboard.m
- Functions to remove trials from reaching or keyboard data based on trial indices
- Called by analysis scripts Study1_Analysis_Feb2019.m and Study2_Analysis_Feb2019.m
- Generates figure 1d (example 3D reach trajectories in Study 2)
- Generates "circles", "shape", and "squares" stimuli used in Studies 1 and 2 on a small Psychtoolbox screen
- Uses functions:
- drawCircles.m
- drawPoly.m
- drawSquares.m