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List type was renamed in 24.05.X, and other minor patches. #40

List type was renamed in 24.05.X, and other minor patches.

List type was renamed in 24.05.X, and other minor patches. #40

Workflow file for this run

name: slurm-drmaa
#on: [push, pull_request]
on: [pull_request]
name: Functional Tests
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
- os: ubuntu-latest
docker_image: rockylinux:8
slurm_version: 20.11
- os: ubuntu-latest
docker_image: rockylinux:8
slurm_version: 21.08
- os: ubuntu-latest
docker_image: rockylinux:8
slurm_version: 22.05
- os: ubuntu-latest
docker_image: rockylinux:8
slurm_version: 23.02
- os: ubuntu-latest
docker_image: rockylinux:8
slurm_version: 23.11
- os: ubuntu-latest
docker_image: rockylinux:8
slurm_version: 24.05
- os: ubuntu-latest
docker_image: debian:bookworm
slurm_version: 22.05
DOCKER_IMAGE: ${{ matrix.docker_image }}
SLURM_VERSION: ${{ matrix.slurm_version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true
- name: Fetch bats
run: git clone .ci/bats
- name: Install autogen dependencies
run: sudo apt-get install -y gperf ragel bison
- name: Run autogen
run: sh
- name: Configure drmaa_utils
run: cd drmaa_utils && ./configure
- name: Build drmaa_utils
run: make -C drmaa_utils/drmaa_utils conf_tab.c conf_tab.h datetime_tab.c datetime_tab.h drmaa_attrib.c timedelta.c
- name: Clean drmaa_utils
run: make -C drmaa_utils distclean
- name: Build Docker image
run: docker build --build-arg from=$DOCKER_IMAGE --build-arg uid=$(id -u) --build-arg gid=$(id -g) --build-arg version=$SLURM_VERSION -t ci/$DOCKER_IMAGE -f .ci/Dockerfile .ci
- name: Run ./configure
run: docker run --volume $(pwd):$(pwd) --workdir $(pwd) --user $(id -u):$(id -g) ci/$DOCKER_IMAGE ./configure --prefix=/ci
- name: Run make install
run: docker run --volume $(pwd):$(pwd) --volume $(pwd)/.ci:/ci --workdir $(pwd) --user $(id -u):$(id -g) ci/$DOCKER_IMAGE make install
- name: Run Slurm
run: echo cid=$(docker run -e SLURM_VERSION --volume $(pwd):$(pwd) --volume $(pwd)/.ci:/ci --detach ci/$DOCKER_IMAGE / >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Wait for slurmctld
run: for i in {0..29}; do [ "$(docker exec $cid sinfo --noheader --nodes=localhost --format=%t --responding --states=IDLE)" == "idle" ] && break || { echo "waiting for slurmctld..."; sleep 1; }; done; echo slurmctld_attempt=$i >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Node info
run: docker exec $cid scontrol show node localhost
- name: Partition info
run: docker exec $cid scontrol show partition debug
- name: Log failure
run: if [ $slurmctld_attempt -eq 29 ]; then echo "[slurmdbd.log]"; cat .ci/slurmdbd.log; echo "[slurmctld.log]"; cat .ci/slurmctld.log; echo "[slurmd.log]"; cat .ci/slurmd.log; echo "[docker logs]"; docker logs $cid; exit 1; fi
- name: Run tests
run: docker exec --workdir $(pwd) $cid make check || { echo "[test-suite.log]"; cat test/test-suite.log; echo "[functional-basic.log]"; cat test/functional-basic.log; exit 1; }