Installs and configures Powerline in Linux and macOS systems.
This role assumes you have the config files already located in your filesystem (i.e colorschemas, themes...).
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
powerline_package_name: "powerline-status"
Powerline package name to install. You can add a custom version if you need to.
powerline_version: ""
Powerline version to install. Default: empty meaning latest.
- {name: powerline-gitstatus, version: "v1.2.1"}
Additional powerline segments that should be installed.
powerline_daemon_destination: "~/.bashrc"
File where you want to set the powerline daemon launch
powerline_config_dir: "~/.config/powerline"
Location of the powerline config files. This directory is where the main config.json
is going to be created.
powerline_config_shell_colorscheme: "default"
powerline_config_shell_theme: "default"
powerline_config_vim_colorscheme: "default"
powerline_config_vim_theme: "default"
Themes used for generating the config.json
powerline_fonts_repo: "git://"
Repository where the patched fonts are located.
powerline_fonts_dir: "{{ powerline_config_dir }}/fonts"
Directory where you want to place the downloaded fonts.
- Python + Pip
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: nass600.powerline }