My current dotfiles on my laptop
wm: i3-gaps-git bar: i3bar w/ i3blocks-gaps-git shell: zsh editor: vim terminal: urxvt music player: ncmpcpp / cava compositor: compton
![scrot1] (scrot1.png) ![scrot2] (scrot2.png)
- Scrot 1
- ncmpcpp (playlist)
- cava
- ncmpcpp (clock)
- Scrot 2
- ncmpcpp (playlist) again
- cava again
- cmatrix
- .bin/ a script I made to show my true colors!
I need to thank some people for sharing their dotfiles as I moved to Arch! Thanks to:
- [sliceofcode] (
- [Airblader] (
Without you guys I would've been stuck with the ugly defaults for the rest of my life :)