You can test Office 365 API, Microsoft Graph, Office 365 Management Activity API and Azure Resource Manager API easily.
Download Office365APIEditor from releases page.
Click on the image below to see the introduction video.
You can browse your mailbox contents such as folders, items, and mailbox properties using Outlook REST API.
You can send requests to APIs such as Microsoft Graph. We support following endpoints.
- (Microsoft Graph)
- (Office 365 API - Outlook REST API)
- (Office 365 Management Activity API)
- (Azure Resource Manager API)
In addition to the built-in application ID, you can also use the application ID that you have registered in the Azure Active Directory to acquire an access token.
You need the following to work with Office365APIEditor:
- An Office 365 account or a Microsoft Account
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later
- A minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768
You don't have to register your application in the Azure Active Directory or Application Registration Portal if you want to use the built-in application ID.
You can use both managed accounts and federated accounts as Office 365 accounts. But it is recommended to use managed accounts to simplify the authentication flow. If you are using AD FS in your organization, you might need to be enabled Forms Authentication to use federated accounts, because Office365APIEditor always send prompt=login and you need to type the user name on the authentication form.
Switch | Description |
/ResetSettings | Reset all user settings. |
/RemoveHistory | Remove all request and response history. |
/ResetCustomDefinedScopes | Reset all custom defined scopes. |
/EnableSystemLogging | Enable system logging. |
If you have any feedback, please post on the Issues list.
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