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One-stop omnichain sdk that integrates bitcoin, evm blockchain (ethereum/bsc/polygon/avax/...), aptos, sui, polkadot, cosmos, solana, doge, etc.


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Bitcoin Ethereum Polka Cosmos Doge Solana Aptos Sui Starcoin
import mnemonic
import keystore
pri/pub key & address
multi network
publicKey to address
address to publicKey
sign data ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️
query balance
fetch transaction detail
gas fee ☑️
send taw transaction ✅ ☑️
multi token ✅ erc20 ✅ XBTC

If there are two icons, the first icon indicates development status, and the second icon indicates test status. ✅: Completed ☑️: TODO ❌: Unsupported


About Wallet

SDK provide wallet import, account public and private key and address acquisition.

Import Wallet

// import mnemonic
wallet, err = NewWalletFromMnemonic(mnemonic)

// import keystore
// It only supports Polka keystore.
wallet, err = NewWalletFromKeyStore(keyStoreJson, password)

Create Account

We currently support accounts in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems.

// Polka
polkaAccount, err = wallet.GetOrCreatePolkaAccount(network)

// Bitcoin
bitcoinAccount, err = wallet.GetOrCreateBitcoinAccount(chainnet)

// Ethereum
ethereumAccount, err = wallet.GetOrCreateEthereumAccount()

// Cosmos
cosmosAccount, err = wallet.GetOrCreateCosmosAccount()

// Terra is a type of cosmos
terraAccount, err = wallet.GetOrCreateCosmosTypeAccount(330, "terra")

Get PrivateKey, PublicKey, Address

privateData, err = account.PrivateKeyData()

privateKey, err = account.PrivateKey()

publicKey = account.PublicKey()

address = account.Address()

About Chain

We can use chain tools to do chain related work.

  • query balance
  • query estimate fees
  • send transaction
  • fetch transaction detail
  • support multi token:
    • eth contract erc20 token
    • xbtc

Create Chain

polkaChain, err = polka.NewChainWithRpc(rpcUrl, scanUrl, network)

bitcoinChain, err = btc.NewChainWithChainnet(chainnet)

ethereumChain, err = eth.NewChainWithRpc(rpcUrl)

cosmosChain, err = cosmos.NewChainWithRpc(rpcUrl, restUrl)
terraChain, err = cosmos.NewChainWithRpc(terraRpcUrl, terraRestUrl)


// query balance
balance, err = chain.BalanceOfAddress(address)
balance, err = chain.BalanceOfPublicKey(publicKey)
balance, err = chain.BalanceOfAccount(account)

// send transaction
txHash, err = chain.SendRawTransaction(signedTx)

// fetch transaction detail
detail, err = chain.FetchTransactionDetail(hashString)
status = chain.FetchTransactionStatus(hashString)

Chain's Token

// MainToken
token = chain.MainToken()

// btc have not tokens

// polka (only support XBTC of ChainX currently)
xbtcToken = polkaChain.XBTCToken()

// ethereum erc20 token
erc20Token = ethereumChain.Erc20Token(contractAddress)

// cosmos token
atomToken = cosmosChain.DenomToken("cosmos", "uatom")
ustToken = terraChain.DenomToken("terra", "uusd")

// token balance (similar to chain's balance)
balance, err = anyToken.BalanceOfAddress(address)
balance, err = anyToken.BalanceOfPublicKey(publicKey)
balance, err = anyToken.BalanceOfAccount(account)

Estimate fee

// sbtc's estimate fee is compute by utxo

// polka 
transaction = // ...
fee, err = polkaChain.EstimateFeeForTransaction(transaction)

// ethereum
gasPrice, err = ethChain.SuggestGasPrice()
gasLimit, err = anyEthToken.EstimateGasLimit(fromAddress, receiverAddress, gasPrice, amount)

Cosmos & Terra Demo


// Import mnemonic
wallet, err = NewWalletFromMnemonic(mnemonic)

// Cosmos account
cosmosAccount, err = wallet.GetOrCreateCosmosAccount()
// Terra is a type of cosmos
terraAccount, err = wallet.GetOrCreateCosmosTypeAccount(330, "terra")

// Create Chain
chain, err = cosmos.NewChainWithRpc(rpcUrl, restUrl)

// Create a coin token
atomToken = cosmosChain.DenomToken("cosmos", "uatom")
lunaToken = terraChain.DenomToken("terra", "uluna")
ustToken = terraChain.DenomToken("terra", "uusd")

Query balance

// query balance with token
atomBalance, err = atomToken.BalanceOfAddress("cosmos1lkw6n8efpj7mk29yvajpn9zue099l359cgzf0t")
lunaBalance, err = lunaToken.BalanceOfAddress("terra1ncjg4a59x2pgvqy9qjyqprlj8lrwshm0wleht5")
ustBalance , err =  ustToken.BalanceOfAddress("terra1dr7ackrxsqwmac2arx26gre6rj6q3sv29fnn7k")

// you can query balance with chain directly
atomBalance, err = cosmosChain.BalanceOfAddressAndDenom("cosmos1lkw6n8efpj7mk29yvajpn9zue099l359cgzf0t", "uatom") // uatom
lunaBalance, err =  terraChain.BalanceOfAddressAndDenom("terra1ncjg4a59x2pgvqy9qjyqprlj8lrwshm0wleht5", "uluna")  // uluna
ustBalance , err =  terraChain.BalanceOfAddressAndDenom("terra1dr7ackrxsqwmac2arx26gre6rj6q3sv29fnn7k", "uusd")   // uusd

Fetch Transaction Detail

atomDetail, err = cosmosChain.FetchTransactionDetail("F068275DE4A4CC904D3E6A412A50DFACC235C62770BCD001E54E00BC4C17B1F0")

lunaDetail, err =  terraChain.FetchTransactionDetail("19771A22934641DBD3D347DCCAE939DAC37F39ABD88005AA735B8AAEA78599BA")

// exactly the same as luna detail.
ustDetail , err =  terraChain.FetchTransactionDetail("25ACF16526D3A4DEE5FE7C5CCEB597B5691134647829AD30CA1E36EDBEAC32B6")

Sign & Send transaction

cosmosAccount = // create a cosmos account
toAddress = "cosmos1lkw6n8efpj7mk29yvajp......"
amount = "100000"
gasPrice = "0.01"
gasLimit = "80000"

chain = cosmos.NewChainWithRpc(rpcUrl, restUrl)
token = chain.DenomToken(prefix, denom)

signedTx, err = token.BuildTransferTx(account.PrivateKeyHex(), toAddress, gasPrice, gasLimit, amount)

txHash, err = chain.SendRawTransaction(signedTx)

Ethereum Sign Transaction

ethereumChain, err = eth.NewChainWithRpc(rpcUrl)

// make an transaction object
transaction = NewTransaction(nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data)
// transaction.MaxPriorityFeePerGas = "10000" // if send EIP1559 tx

// sign with hexed privatekey
signedTxObj, err = ethereumChain.SignTransaction(privateKeyHex, transaction)
// sign with ethereum account
signedTxObj, err = ethereumChain.SignTransactionWithAccount(ethAccount, transaction) 

signedHashString = signedTxObj.Value // signed transaction hash string

ComingChat substrate wallet SDK

Build Android && Ios

  • make buildAllAndroid
  • make buildAllIOS


One-stop omnichain sdk that integrates bitcoin, evm blockchain (ethereum/bsc/polygon/avax/...), aptos, sui, polkadot, cosmos, solana, doge, etc.







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