0.16.0 (2021-10-07)
Derived/shared value support for animate
Commit: (4ffb25f)
You can now use a Reanimated Derived or Shared value as your animate
prop. This is a huge step forward for allowing Moti to work with Gestures and other shared values.
Whereas before you could only animate based on state:
<MotiView animate={{ opacity: loading ? 1 : 0 }} />
Now, you can also animate based on shared values.
const isActive = useSharedValue(false)
const animate = useDerivedValue(() => {
return { opacity: isActive.value ? 1 : 0 }
return <MotiView animate={animate} />
Unlike normal reanimated, you don't use withTiming
here. Moti will automatically animate changes for you. And you can customize changes with the transition
TypeScript support
import { MotiAnimationProp } from 'moti'
And pass it to useDerivedValue
from reanimated:
const isActive = useSharedValue(false)
useDerivedValue<MotiAnimationProp<ViewStyle>>(() => {
return {
opacity: isActive.value ? 1 : 0
}, [])
return <MotiView animate={animate} />
In the future, Moti may export its own hook to wrap this for you.