RickAndMortyInfoverse is an iOS app built using SwiftUI that connects to the Rick and Morty API, allowing users to explore characters, episodes, and locations from the show. The app uses a clean MVVM architecture, includes advanced scroll view behaviors, and features a custom tab bar with animations based on user interaction.
- SwiftUI & URLSession: Utilized for making asynchronous API calls to the Rick and Morty API.
- Async/Await: Modern concurrency with async/await for handling REST API requests.
- Model Binding: Results are decoded into models and bound to views for seamless UI updates.
- LazyVGrid for Characters & Episodes: Displays a grid of characters and episode details using a performant grid layout.
- ListView for Locations: The app includes a list view for browsing the different locations from the show.
- Scroll View Behavior: Using GeometryReader, the app detects scrolling direction and shows/hides the tab bar accordingly.
- Custom Tab Bar: A visually appealing, custom-designed tab bar that responds to scrolling behavior.
- MVVM Architecture: Implements Model-View-ViewModel architecture for better separation of concerns.
- Image Loading with Kingfisher: Third-party package Kingfisher is used for efficiently loading and caching images of the characters.
- Search & Filter: Provides search functionality with filtering options via PickerWheel.
- Light Mode Only: The app currently supports only light mode.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/nanda-wk/RickAndMortyInfoverse.git
Open the project in Xcode.
Install dependencies (Kingfisher is included via Swift Package Manager):
File > Swift Packages > Resolve Package Versions
Build and run the project on your simulator or device.
- Kingfisher - Used for efficient image downloading and caching.
This app uses the open-source Rick and Morty API for fetching information on:
- Characters
- Episodes
- Locations
- Dark Mode Support: Adding dark mode compatibility.
- Favorites Feature: Enable users to favorite characters, episodes, or locations.
- Enhanced Filtering: Allow more complex filtering options for characters and episodes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.