Software Foundations is a textbook on programming languages written in Coq and available online.
I've translated some parts of Software Foundations from Coq to Dafny.
- Imp
- Types: Type Systems
- Stlc: The Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus
- Norm: Normalization of STLC
- References: Typing Mutable References
- StlcLn: Locally-nameless STLC
- LnSystemF: Locally-nameless System F
- DependentTypes: a syntax-directed dependently typed system
Step-indexed logical relations seem like a natural fit for Dafny. Hence, I am formalizing Amal Ahmed's Lectures on Logical Relations.
Lr_Ts_Stlc.dfy: Proof of type-safety of the STLC using step-indexed logical relations.
Lr_Ts_Stlc_IsoRecTypes.dfy: Augment STLC with iso-recursive types (explicit
). The previous proof simply needs to be augmented as well. The old cases remain unchanged.