- namidaco/namida@7249a94 chore: apply on swipe actions for yt cards as well
- this took shitload of refactor, but improved perf so yey
- ref #333
- namidaco/namida@b0c1d0e chore: few tweaks
- rely on "play when ready" instead of "is playing", results in more stability when skipping next/prev
- remove refresh button in video widget -refactor snackbar duration & less duration for "added to queue" snackbar
- use package to show time difference in about page
- namidaco/namida@004dac3 update README.md
- namidaco/namida@cd432d1 feat: simple data saver mode (wifi & mobile)
- with icons to indicate why a video was not fetched (blocked by cache/no connection/data saver/playback source)
- namidaco/namida@5d737d8 fix: audio/video thumbnails not extracting/showing properly, ref: #461 #474
- namidaco/namida@6ef27b8 chore: live format info in edit tags dialog
- namidaco/namida@ac56f8d fix: allow returning faulty info when extracting instead of dismissing all of it, ref #469
- namidaco/namida@d07e426 chore: refactor vibration methods
- namidaco/namida@bb2b07a feat: system level brightness in fullscreen video player, ref #155
- namidaco/namida@b627d0c chore: allow liking/disliking videos without membership
- namidaco/namida@fe20b79 fix: double pressing app bar icons
- namidaco/namida@3494baf fix: keyboard focus/unfocus when swiping up/down search fab