Type-safe SDK for interacting with the NameStone ENS subdomain API.
npm install @namestone/namestone-sdk
import NameStone from "@namestone/namestone-sdk";
// Initialize the client (API key optional for some methods)
const ns = new NameStone("YOUR_API_KEY");
// Example usage
async function getSubdomains() {
const data = await ns.getNames({
domain: "example.eth",
Generate a Sign-In with Ethereum (SIWE) message for authentication. Does not require an API key. Maps to the NameStone '/get-siwe-message' route.
const message = await ns.getSiweMessage({
address: string, // Your Ethereum address (must own the domain)
domain?: string, // Optional: Domain sending SIWE message (default: namestone.xyz)
uri?: string // Optional: URI sending SIWE message
Enable new domains for NameStone usage. Requires a signed SIWE message. Does not require an API key. Maps to the NameStone '/enable-domain' route.
const result = await ns.enableDomain({
company_name: string, // Your company name
email: string, // Email for API key delivery
address: string, // Domain owner's Ethereum address
domain: string, // Domain to enable (e.g., "brand.eth")
signature: string, // Signed SIWE message
api_key?: string, // Optional: Existing API key
cycle_key?: "1" // Optional: Set to "1" to cycle existing key
Sets a domain with associated data. Maps to the NameStone '/set-domain' route.
await ns.setDomain({
domain: string, // Domain to configure
address: string, // Associated address
contenthash?: string, // Optional: Content hash
text_records?: Record<string, string> // Optional: Text records
Retrieves domain data. Maps to the NameStone '/get-domain' route.
const domain = await ns.getDomain({
domain: string, // Domain to query
Sets a name with associated data. Maps to the NameStone '/set-name' route.
await ns.setName({
name: string, // Subdomain name
domain: string, // Parent domain
address: string, // Associated address
contenthash?: string, // Optional: Content hash
text_records?: Record<string, string>, // Optional: Text records
coin_types?: Record<string, string> // Optional: Coin types
Retrieves names based on specified criteria. Maps to the NameStone '/get-names' route.
const names = await ns.getNames({
domain?: string, // Optional: Filter by domain
address?: string, // Optional: Filter by address
text_records?: boolean, // Optional: Include text records
limit?: number, // Optional: Results limit
offset?: number // Optional: Pagination offset
Searches for names based on specified criteria. Maps to the NameStone '/search-names' route.
const results = await ns.searchNames({
domain: string, // Domain to search within
name: string, // Search query
text_records?: boolean, // Optional: Include text records
limit?: number, // Optional: Results limit
exact_match?: boolean, // Optional: Require exact matches
offset?: number // Optional: Pagination offset
Deletes a name from the specified domain. Maps to the NameStone '/delete-name' route.
await ns.deleteName({
name: string, // Subdomain to delete
domain: string, // Parent domain
All methods may throw:
: When API key is invalid or missingNetworkError
: When API requests fails
- Improve error handling