An example project demonstrating how to run a UDP or WebRTC naia-socket Server inside of a Docker container, and then be able to connect to that Server from a client application.
- docker:
- docker-compose:
- cargo-make:
Build an image of a UDP ServerSocket app:
`make udp-build-docker`
Build an image of a WebRTC ServerSocket app:
`make webrtc-build-docker`
Run the last built image inside a Docker container:
`make serve-docker`
This should start the container and then wait for user-input after which it shuts down the container, for convenience. (May need to press Enter twice)
Stop a running Docker container:
`make stop-docker`
Attach to a running Docker container and show logs from the running app:
`make read-docker-logs`
Run a UDP client: (that will be able to communicate with a UDP server)
1. `cd client/wasm_bindgen`
2. `cargo run`
Run a WebRTC client on Web using wasm-bindgen: (that will be able to communicate with a WebRTC server)
1. `cd client/wasm_bindgen`
2. `cargo make serve` //this will open a web browser pointing at
To run a WebRTC client on Web using miniquad: (that will be able to communicate with a WebRTC server)
1. `cd client/miniquad`
2. `cargo make serve` //this will open a web browser pointing at